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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 17, 2008
Just bought the new ATV last night, got home and was crushed when I saw the performance I was getting.

The ingredients: Brand new MBP with the latest version of iTunes, Time Capsule hooked up to a pretty fast internet, ATV.

I go to stream video that is in my iTunes library, I can see it buffering on my TV, and it keeps buffering it in for like 15 minutes without playing! I can forward through it and see the content of the video or movie, but it will not actually play.

I would have to wait 10-15 minutes just to play a 3 minute music video that is in my library! Unusable!

These movies are encoded correctly and live/play perfectly in both iTunes and my iPhone 4 and iPod Touch.

Is anyone else having these issues? This buffering speed issue renders ATV useless to me as I'm not going to wait 10 minutes to stream a vid from my MBP.


Thanks in advance.

If you are playing these videos from your TM copy a couple onto your computer and see if you have the same problem.

What is your next work ethernet, wirelessN ?
I am trying to stream these from my computer (MacBook Pro) and the iTunes that resides on it.

My wireless network consists of my cable box hooked up to a Time Capsule.

Does this help?
Try turning off Home Sharing, doing hard resets on both, and then turning Home Sharing back on. There is definitely some issue going on with your setup.
I did a hard reset on all components (MBP, TC, and ATV) turned off then on Home Sharing and still the same result: buffering that never gets to playing anything from my iTunes library.

It's strange because I am using all Apple components.

Anything else I might try?

Can you test by connecting the ATV to the TimeCapsule via ethernet? If t resolves the issue then it sounds like you have a wireless issue.

If it does not resolve then you should probably get Apple to replace the ATV. Or you could call Apple Tech Support to see if they have other ideas.
You should try resetting everything after you have turned Home Sharing off and then back on. I have heard of a few people that did that and it fixed their issues.

If that doesn't fix it then I would try calling Apple support as they would know more than anyone else here.
Do you live in an apartment building? Sounds like WiFi interference to me. Like you I was very disappointed with my AppleTV. Streaming from my brand new MacMini stuttered and stopped all the time. I switched my Time Capsule to 5GHz instead of the standard 2.4GHz and my streaming speed went from <50kB/s to 1.5MB/s immediately. Not a single problem since!
How do I change my TC's settings to 5Ghz from 2.4? I can't seem to find this setting anywhere. I looked in Airport utility at every page of options and didn't see this at all.

I have done all that was suggested and still horrible results. I'm hoping this helps it.

Thanks in advance.
I have the same setup and initially experienced the same issues. Now I have no problems streaming HD videos from my TC to the ATV via the itunes shared library on my laptop.

You need to make sure your laptop and the ATV are using the TC as their wireless waypoints. Only the TC should be connecting to the ISP wireless adaptor.

MPB --> TC
ATV --> TC
TC --> Internet

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