please help, i had a iphone sitting in the drawer for a while that needed a new back, i went and had the new back put on and was getting ready to give the phone to the wife. so i went and told it to erase the settings and then it went to hell. it hung there and now all i get is the pineapple logo stuck and nothing else. it was pwned late last summer so i cant remember the version that was on there. everytime i try and restore it with itunes with there firmware or custom firmware i get a (2006) error. i did try a older version of itunes as some threads talk about and then i get a (20) error. i dont think ssh is running on it as i cant remember and i have been trying it over and over hoping i can get in it with he restore. seems that i can get it into DFU mode fine, that is the only way it get reconized. i get nothing when i plug and unplug it. i have tried on windows and a mac and same results. does anyone have any suggestions. i am hoping it can be save some how.
thanks for your help
thanks for your help