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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2019

I'm in the doghouse with my spouse. When we got Apple Watches, I did the iPhone/Watch setup including the health/sleep schedule so that it would automatically track sleep and going into the sleep watch face (my spouse wanted an easier watch face at night). I thought this would be great.

But he found out that it also activated DND. So, he asked me to turn it off.

Simple, enough, right? Just go in and delete the sleep schedule. Well, I did that. It didn't turn off DND. I checked DND in settings, it's not showing. I went into the watch app and health to see if there are any schedules setup and there aren't. But everyday, his phone is in DND during the original hours of the original schedule.

He's mad. He's hating his phone. He's talking about it never getting fixed till he gets another phone. I'm frustrated that I can't figure out how to fix this. What am I missing? I'm sure it's user error on my part but I don't know where to look at this point. Any info would be amazing! Thanks in advance. :)

PS, if it matters, his device is the iPhone SE 2020.
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