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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 5, 2009

I'm hoping someone out there knows about a bit of programming what was talked about last year that enabled the finder to only show one app at a time on the desktop. I had run the script and now cannot find any trace of info about it on my computer. I have no way of changing it back.

What this programming did was make it so when I switch between programs only the open windows in that program are displayed. I thought it would be handy tool but now it's gotten more annoying than anything else.

All the keywords I have googled don't come up with anything. There is no preference pane or installer on my computer to find, it was just a terminal command. Akkkk!! I don't even know if wiping my HDD and reinstalling the OS and my user would actually get rid of it, as it might be a preference that would carry over.

Anyone have ideas about what this terminal command was, or where I could get more information about it?

1) You ran a terminal command: a single command not a script

2) Nothing got installed so nothing exists to be uninstalled: all you have done is change a configuration parameter

3) This is not and was not programming.

4) To undo try entering this in the Terminal (this is also not programming)

defaults write single-app -bool false
killall Dock

Note where I've put <return> you press the return key: don't type that.
THANKS a bunch. It worked. You're right, of course, it's not programming or script or anything I would recognized. I'm not a programmer and got over my head with this one. Thanks again, I'm breathing a sigh of relief.

1) You ran a terminal command: a single command not a script

2) Nothing got installed so nothing exists to be uninstalled: all you have done is change a configuration parameter

3) This is not and was not programming.

4) To undo try entering this in the Terminal (this is also not programming)

defaults write single-app -bool false
killall Dock

Note where I've put <return> you press the return key: don't type that.
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