I wasn't sure whether to post this to another sub forum, but decided to post in Mac Pro because it has the smartest folks. (How's that for sucking up)? 
I take delivery of a Mid-2010 8-Core Mac Pro on Monday. I ordered it bare bones and plan to install two 2TB Seagate Barracuda XTs, so that I could create a RAID 1 Mirror set. This machine will be used as my server at work. I was planning on cloning the 1TB system drive that ships with the MP using CCC, after which I'd install the new 2TB drive along with its twin. I was then planning on using Disk Utility to create the RAID set.
After reading the instructions, it seems that ultimately, Disk Utility will reformat both the drives in the newly created RAID set. Obviously, this would be a problem, as one of the drives is the system drive. I'm, assuming that there is a workaround. I briefly looked into SoftRaid 4.x, but also read some horror stories with its use. My main goal is to end-up with a MP that has 2x2TB drives in a RAID 1 mirror *but also* lose the initial 1 TB HDD that ships with the system.
I take delivery of a Mid-2010 8-Core Mac Pro on Monday. I ordered it bare bones and plan to install two 2TB Seagate Barracuda XTs, so that I could create a RAID 1 Mirror set. This machine will be used as my server at work. I was planning on cloning the 1TB system drive that ships with the MP using CCC, after which I'd install the new 2TB drive along with its twin. I was then planning on using Disk Utility to create the RAID set.
After reading the instructions, it seems that ultimately, Disk Utility will reformat both the drives in the newly created RAID set. Obviously, this would be a problem, as one of the drives is the system drive. I'm, assuming that there is a workaround. I briefly looked into SoftRaid 4.x, but also read some horror stories with its use. My main goal is to end-up with a MP that has 2x2TB drives in a RAID 1 mirror *but also* lose the initial 1 TB HDD that ships with the system.