I found a way but it's a bit mysterious who created it and said that
( If you don't already know how to do it, you shouldn't try to do it without first reading about using the Unix command line )
Can the specialist here explain it in detail so that I can delete the Fonts that I do not want?
this method
1. Restart into Recovery Mode (restart the Mac and immediately hold down the Command+R keys).
2. Launch Terminal from the top menu bar. You do not need to disable SIP.
3. Navigate to the /System/Library/Fonts/ folder.
4. Type ls (lower case L and s for list) and then Enter to ensure you are in the correct folder. A list of fonts should fill the Terminal screen.
5. Use the rm (remove) command to delete individual fonts, or in groups using a wildcard.
a) rm muktamahee.ttc (Enter) will remove the one font. The full name is not case sensitive.
b) Wildcards are case sensitive. If you enter the command …
rm notosa*
… you'll get an error message the folder doesn't exist. But the command …
rm NotoSa*
… will successfully remove all of the NotoSans fonts.
c) Be very cautious using wildcards. For example, rm Not* will remove not only the NotoSans fonts, but also Noteworthy and NotoSerifMyanmar.
6. You can retype ls after any completed command to check and see what's left to remove.
7. When you're done in the /System/Library/Fonts/ folder, navigate to the /System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/ folder and continue removing fonts.
8. When finished, type reboot to restart the Mac.
please help this Terminal