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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 17, 2014
Hey I have a mid 2015 MBP which is still my main machine. I had no other choice and upgraded to Mojave. The thing is, I noticed performance degradations in benchmarks and heavy software that used to work better in Sierra. Is there any known way to reclaim the CPU power that we lost since High Sierra and the patches ? I’m thinking about inSpectre on Windows for instance, which allows to disable mitigations. Thanks 🙏


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
If you have an older backup of Sierra you can try to restore to that backup. Otherwise there is no easy way to restore to older version of macOS without formatting the hard drive and reinstalling macOS.

Also, Apple has stopped people from installing older version of macOS through internet recovery. This means if you upgrade, there is no official way to go back.

As for spectre mitigation, afaik the only way to remove that is going back to Sierra or high Sierra.
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