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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 8, 2011
EDIT: I apparently put a malformed image as a background image. Fix was relocating the ~/Library/Application Support/Dock folder to the desktop and logging out/in (or restarting). It reset the Dock and its contents but fixed the problem.


On the Mac App Store I bought 'uDesktop NEXT' which downloads desktop backgrounds. While using it in one of my spaces the background went to black, my dock disappeared, and I got locked out of other spaces! I then noticed that Command-Tab stopped working and I couldn't switch windows with my keyboard either.

I restarted. Still the same problems. (I'm running a 2017 27" iMac with 8Gb RAM and Fusion Drive, and the latest version of macOS.)

I went to the terminal and typed killall dock and the report back was
No matching processes belonging to you were found
I went to the Activity Monitor and, nope, Dock wasn't listed.

I looked around and found someone who'd recommended to another person to type in terminal delete but also got
No matching processes belonging to you were found

I ran Disk Utility and it said everything was okay.

On another forum someone recommended I go to Terminal and enter
open /System/Library/CoreServices/
Just tried it, nothing happened. Activity Monitor still doesn't see the Dock.

I quit the Finder, didn't help.

And I just launched BBEdit, which I'd previously configured to open in another space: the app launches and I see the menubar for it, but all preexisting my windows (and also when I tried a New Window) won't show - they're stuck in that other space I cannot switch to!

Spotlight's (and Alfred are) working. Individual apps launch.

But I lost my Dock, I lost my ability to have anything but a black background, I lost my spaces, and I have to click from window to window because Command-Tab doesn't work.

Any ideas?
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