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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008

Currently I am trying to create a very simple application in Xcode whereby if the user presses a button, it will lead him to the next page.

I have seen through the ADC website and gone through sample codes like ViewTransitions, SimpleDrillDown and PageControl. What i am trying to accomplish is by creating the interface through Interface Builder and coding them in Xcode. I do no want to program the interfaces through Xcode as i think i better get started with the basics first.

Any clue as to how i should proceed is greatly appreciated!

Currently I am trying to create a very simple application in Xcode whereby if the user presses a button, it will lead him to the next page.

I have seen through the ADC website and gone through sample codes like ViewTransitions, SimpleDrillDown and PageControl. What i am trying to accomplish is by creating the interface through Interface Builder and coding them in Xcode. I do no want to program the interfaces through Xcode as i think i better get started with the basics first.

Any clue as to how i should proceed is greatly appreciated!

Long story short is you have to do some coding to support the transition in response to the button click... Outside of designing the interfaces in Interface Builder (that's all it is really designed to do at this point) and hook up UI elements in your view to IBOutlets defined in classes defined as your view's ViewController, you need to write code. Read up on Windows and Views with a specific focus on UINavigationController on Apple's iPhone Dev site.

Finally, just as a friendly piece of advice, don't put or any derivative in the subject. Obviously you need help, we get it, just omit it next time.


I understand. Alright man, thanks for the answer. I will keep that in mind.

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