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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 15, 2006
I finally am SWITCHING over to Mac again! I am so excited!!!

I want 17" and need a lot of RAM. I don't do much video editing though; just run 5 - 10 applications and some web publishing. Question is... Do I get:

1) new PB G4 - Sell it in 6- 12 months and buy second generation Intel 17" MBP

2) used PB G4 - saves money. Sell it in 6- 12 months and buy second generation Intel 17" MBP

3) get new 17" MBP now!

Option 3 is tempting but I've been told to avoid first generation and wait for later revisions to come out on 17 MBP... what should I do?!

Thanks for the help!
Don't know if this will help, but I have a PB G4 17", 1 Gb RAM, 100Gb HD (and also a G4 tower)and have no plans to upgrade either to the MBP or anything else. Maybe I don't use enough apps - all the Office components, web, some movie etc and both machines are fast enough for me. And I am still on Panther - no reason to upgrade to Tiger. The PB, with its 17" screen, I find fully portable and use it without problems on airoplanes etc.

It's all horses for courses, how much money you have and want to spend, not so? A second-hand PB G4, fully specced up, seems a good way to go IMO.

Good luck with your choice. :)
I would get it now.. Your not going to see much of a difference in the next macbook pros. They will upgrade the cpu's to the new intel's and that's about all.. Your not missing anything so I would buy now if you need it.

I want something small (macbook 13.3") I need better graphics tho so I'm holding off until a macbook pro 13.3" is released or a macbook with better graphics.
Well, I would say go for the used PowerBook, but then again I may be a little biased because I'm selling my 17" PowerBook. I don't plan to get a new 17" MBP right away because I don't feel like its a good time to buy them. I am getting a new MacBook for now and then will buy a new 17" MBP when they are upgraded next. PM me if you are considering a used 17" PowerBook and I can give you all the specs on mine.
I personally say that you go for the MBP now. Why? Considering that Apple is switching over to Intel and they are nearly complete, there's going to be a lot less focus on the PPC machines. Certainly you might have a slightly better benefit of using PPC now (depending on what suites you use) but in the long run the MBP is worth it. If you buy a g4 now it's resale value will only go down in price and may cause you more hastle than it is worth. Just my couple of cents. Good luck.
I advise option 2 and using it until you absolutely need an Intel Mac, then buying whichever model is out at the time that you want (which will also include cheaper refurbs of the current models).
What makes you think they are going to release a 13.3" macbook pro?

The apple website says "Now the family is complete".
chanwaiming3 said:
I finally am SWITCHING over to Mac again! I am so excited!!!

I want 17" and need a lot of RAM. I don't do much video editing though; just run 5 - 10 applications and some web publishing. Question is... Do I get:

1) new PB G4 - Sell it in 6- 12 months and buy second generation Intel 17" MBP

2) used PB G4 - saves money. Sell it in 6- 12 months and buy second generation Intel 17" MBP

3) get new 17" MBP now!

Option 3 is tempting but I've been told to avoid first generation and wait for later revisions to come out on 17 MBP... what should I do?!

Thanks for the help!
I`d definitely not recommend option 3 at all. With meroms not more than a bout 80 days away. I dont think you have any reason to buy a MBP now, unless you really need a laptop now. I`d love to recommend something to you till then. But for that it`ll be better to answer if we know what are you using right now. ie which PC/laptop do you have. Only after knowing that I/someone else can give a really sensible advice.

But then if you a loads of money to spare then you dont need any advice at all. Just buy whatever you wish and get a newer one when it comes out:D

Seriously I`d like to know the config of your current PC first.
cait-sith said:
What makes you think they are going to release a 13.3" macbook pro?

The apple website says "Now the family is complete".

So that every one buys a MB or MBP right now. And later they can release a 13"MBP with dedicated grafix and may be Merom too and every one will buy their laptops like crazy once again. :D
making the switch... my specs

vikas soni said:
I`d definitely not recommend option 3 at all. With meroms not more than a bout 80 days away. I dont think you have any reason to buy a MBP now, unless you really need a laptop now. I`d love to recommend something to you till then. But for that it`ll be better to answer if we know what are you using right now. ie which PC/laptop do you have. Only after knowing that I/someone else can give a really sensible advice.

But then if you a loads of money to spare then you dont need any advice at all. Just buy whatever you wish and get a newer one when it comes out:D

Seriously I`d like to know the config of your current PC first.

I had a very very old PC Pentium 4 1.7 GHZ. the Dell last 4 years and finally died... i need a computer badly. I do some web publishing, Photoshop... but mostly Excel, Word, Outlook, Firefox (3 - 4 tabs running), Trillian, Skype,.... I have 5 - 10 applications running all the time. I realize I need at least 1 MB RAM... would I be ok with a 1.5 GHZ used G4? or do I need a 1.67 GHZ?

Right now I am "borrowing" my girlfriends' HP but I can't wait to make the switch!!!
chanwaiming3 said:
I had a very very old PC Pentium 4 1.7 GHZ. the Dell last 4 years and finally died... i need a computer badly. I do some web publishing, Photoshop... but mostly Excel, Word, Outlook, Firefox (3 - 4 tabs running), Trillian, Skype,.... I have 5 - 10 applications running all the time. I realize I need at least 1 MB RAM... would I be ok with a 1.5 GHZ used G4? or do I need a 1.67 GHZ?

Right now I am "borrowing" my girlfriends' HP but I can't wait to make the switch!!!

Go with option 2 and then switch to the MBP when they will have the Merom chipset (this will not be necessarily Rev. B, just get it whenever they will come out).
Absolutely agreed. Any G4 powerbook will be more than adequate for your needs, just max out the RAM for Photoshop.

EDIT: Actually, if you're going to replace it in a few months, I'd say get a refurb G4 ibook. They're a lot more powerful than you'd think, and as long as you max the RAM and don't use it for gaming, it will serve you extremely well for a lot less money...
A used PBG4 is a hell of a value right now - nobody wants them because we all have Intel envy, but its still the best choice for a lot of software like MS Office, Adobe CS, and most games. I'm keeping my PBG4 until late next year.
Seems like USED G4 is the way to go... but I will look into a refurbished iBook

Thanks for ALL the help!!! I'm new to Mac Rumors but this has been great. I can't wait to make the switch.

Thanks again!

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