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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 12, 2004
Pittsburgh, PA
This is the first thing I've had go wrong with my Mac since I got it a month ago. Hopefully its an easy fix.

For example, in iTunes, I go File>Add to Library... and iTunes completely freezes. I can't play a song. The menu bar (File, Edit, Controls, ect.) goes grey.

This happens for other apps too, like Toast. When I do File>Open... the same thing happens.

Has this happened to anyone else? How do I fix it?
A Few Things to Try

Here are a few suggestions. The last one is the least attractive, but probably the most likely to help.

1. Go to Utilities>Disk Utility, and Repair Permissions on your Hard Drive.
2. Run the Apple Hardware Test that is on one of your system CDs.
3. If you have extra RAM installed, try removing it.
4. Run Micromat TechTools Pro, if you or a friend has it.
5 (last resort). Reinstall OSX. It is possible to do this without deleting all of your programs and documents. I believe the option is called "archive and install". This will save your current OS's state in a separate folder on your Hard Drive, while reinstalling the OS. I believe this will solve your problem.

Good luck!

Mike LaRiviere
I've tried 1 through 3. I don't know anyone who has #4. #5 looks pretty scary. Am I risking losing any data if I re-install Panther? I re-installed Windows once, that was a huge mess. So what should I do?
5's Okay

I was wary of 5 also when my friend recommended I do it on my old iBook. I, too, have had Windows reinstallations that have wiped my hard drive (although another friend of mine knows how to do it without losing data). With OS X, however, it should explicitly ask you if you want to keep your data. It might say something along the lines of "Archive and Install" (good), "Keep My Data" (good), or "Perform New Install" (bad). I believe the program will let you know if you are going to lose data. I'd advise you to backup your data on a CD or iDisk or iPod, and do the same with any programs for which you might not have the installation CD. If you pay close attention to the instructions, you shouldn't run into any problems with losing your data... I didn't. Just be sure to read everything that's presented to you. Good luck.

Mike LaRiviere
Thanks a lot for your help. I've got my fingers crossed, I'd hate to lose all my data. I'm getting a new iPod soon, so I might wait until I get that so I can backup my HD. Thanks again for you help :)
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