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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 6, 2009
Hi guys i need some photoshop help. does anyone on here have skype? probably would be easier. i would really appreciate it.

i am working on some projects for a school presentation and id like to kick things up a bit with some photoshop

1. How would i create custom shapes like what you see here (ropes, anchors, etc.)


2. Also notice on the image above, how the rope on the right is dusty vintage looking, whereas the rope on the left is much more crisp. How would i create that dusty vintage look? (adjusting opacity would not do the trick)

3.) How do i put images inside of letters like this:


4.) Lastly, how do i draw something by hand and have it appear as a separate layer (without the white of the paper showing up at all) like this:

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1. How would i create custom shapes like what you see here (ropes, anchors, etc.)

This one is a bit beyond the scope of a simple how-to a messageboard post. You want to learn how to do that, you'll have to hunker down and learn to use your vector tools. But the rest...

2. Also notice on the image above, how the rope on the right is dusty vintage looking, whereas the rope on the left is much more crisp. How would i create that dusty vintage look? (adjusting opacity would not do the trick)

Alpha masks. Once you draw out your shape and fill it with white, you can create an alpha mask sublayer on it and use a grunge map with various shadees of grey to get that worn decal on a window look. I'll tell you how to play around with alphas in the next question.

3.) How do i put images inside of letters like this...

Easy. I'm gonna assume you're a complete Photoshop newb, so if I sound ain't on purpose, so deal. :p

First, you're going to need to learn about these two buttons at the bottom of your layers tab.


The one on the left is "add layer mask", which is applied to a new layer which you create by pressing the button on the right, which is...wait for it...the "create new layer" button.

Okay, find an image you want to use as your background. The shot you used in your demo above looks like an old black and white jpeg someone blew up and laid their text over. Considering you're going for a windowed look, I went ahead and grabbed a city street shot for my example.

Grab one you like, start a new canvas (I started one that's 512x512 for the sake of this tutorial), and drop the city shot into PS. If it's too big, activate the free transform tool with CMD-T (or Ctrl-T if you're in Windows), hold shift, and drag one of the corners to do an aspect correct scale.

Confused about that last bit? Play with it for 5 seconds, and you'll see what I mean.

This is what my end result looks like...

Like this...

Once you're happy there, go ahead and fire up your text tool. Drag it out so it fills the whole layer, make the text fairly large (or use your free transform tool to scale it up), and type away. Doesn't matter what color the text is, you're only using it as an auto marquee select for what comes later...

Like so...

If you want, go ahead and center your text with the move tool...

A whole big ass picture wasted just for that...

Now,make another layer using your "create new layer" button above it and fill it with white.

Ooh. A white square. Bet you feel like you're getting your learn on now.

Okay, there's two things we can do here. We could go ahead and marquee select our text by CMD-leftclicking the big T in our text layer then deleting the shape out of our white layer...

Like so...

then turning off the text layer by clicking the little eyeball to get what you want...

...and be done with it.

...but no. That's too simple. Instead, we're going to create an alpha mask sublayer, which is far more powerful, and allows you to do so, so much more.

It starts out the same. CMD-leftclick your text layer to marquee select your text, then highlight the white filled layer.

Here we are again...

Then clicking that little circle in a box icon I showed you above. This'll create your alpha mask sublayer, and fill your selection in with white and the rest black.

Like this...

Once you've done this, go ahead and delete your text layer. You don't need it anymore.

I'm sure this is all about as clear as mud by this point. See, what an alpha mask does is takes the image on the layer and applies transparencies to it based on shades of grey. Black is completely transparent, white is completely opaque, and all the various shades of grey between are different levels of transparency.

Right now, the colors are completely the opposite of what you want. The text should be black (see through), and the area outside completely white (opaque). To fix this, just highlight the submask box (you'll see 4 little brackets surrounding it...


...then go to image/adjustment/invert from the dropdown menus at the top...

And there you go

Your intended results.


The reasons I wanted to show how to use alpha masks is because you'll be using them quite a bit in PS. There's always some neat thing you want to do that you can easily do with alpha masks.

For example, I'll pick a loose, spotty brush and start randomly dabbing in my alpha mask.

As you can see, it's really quite rad 'n bad. At the same time.

Remember, black subtracts from that layer, white keeps it showing. When you're in an alpha sublayer, your color swatch over there on the left only draws black and white by default, which you can switch between by hitting the X key.

Experiment with it, and you'll see what I mean. And this tutorial went on way longer than what I intended. Now for the rest...

4.) Lastly, how do i draw something by hand and have it appear as a separate layer (without the white of the paper showing up at all) like this...

That's even easier. Start your canvas and fill it with a white background. Hit your create new layer button, pick a brush, black for the color, and start drawing away. When you're done, delete the white canvas backdrop, and you'll have your drawing on an otherwise transparent layer.

Hope all this helps.
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Like Renzatic said, it's all about Layers and Masks.

Look up those terms. There are a ton of tutorials on the web.
When it comes to the image within a text layer option, there is a far more editable and simple solution than using a standard mask.

If you place your image layer directly on top of your text layer inside of photoshop

and then hold the option key (alt on PC) while move your mouse in-between the layers

then click

your image will fit inside of the shape of your text

you can even change what your text says without having to remake a mask!
When it comes to the image within a text layer option, there is a far more editable and simple solution than using a standard mask.

If you place your image layer directly on top of your text layer inside of photoshop

and then hold the option key (alt on PC) while move your mouse in-between the layers

then click

your image will fit inside of the shape of your text

you can even change what your text says without having to remake a mask!

This is how you create a "Clipping Mask", do a search and you will find plenty of tutorials on the subject.

BTW, clipping masks are not limited to just text layers.

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