I got one of those USPS scam messages and I’m stupid I thought someone actually just put the wrong number until I looked it up and found out it’s a scam... I’m sick and really out of it right now and I was dumb enough to respond saying they had the wrong number
Anyway I accidentally clicked the link but I closed it before the page could finish opening or redirecting to whatever it was. Then I deleted all the history and cookies and stuff. I’m still freaking out though. Am I safe?
I don’t know if it was just a phishing site that I’m safe as long as I don’t give it information or if it’s the other kind that the site itself gives you malware and I don’t know how to tell
The text was in the default messages app and the link tried to open in safari. I don’t have screenshots because I deleted the message and cleared the history
Anyway I accidentally clicked the link but I closed it before the page could finish opening or redirecting to whatever it was. Then I deleted all the history and cookies and stuff. I’m still freaking out though. Am I safe?
I don’t know if it was just a phishing site that I’m safe as long as I don’t give it information or if it’s the other kind that the site itself gives you malware and I don’t know how to tell
The text was in the default messages app and the link tried to open in safari. I don’t have screenshots because I deleted the message and cleared the history