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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 4, 2017
In need of help. Can anyone help me recover my iphone 7 photos?

I changed settings to block Facebook from accessing my photos and after that I can no longer find any of my photos. They were there before and now are gone.
And no, I do not have any back ups to icloud or otherwise.

Could the Facebook app delete my photos?? Could I delete the photos without knowing?

Most grateful if anyone can help here as I have lost many of my childrens photos.
In need of help. Can anyone help me recover my iphone 7 photos?

I changed settings to blonock Facebook from accessing my photos and after that I can no longer find any of my photos. They were there before and now are gone.
And no, I do not have any back ups to icloud or otherwise.

Could the Facebook app delete my photos?? Could I delete the photos without knowing?

Most grateful if anyone can help here as I have lost many of my childrens photos.
No, i don't think FB could do that. Reboot your phone and check your photos again.
Try un-installing and re-installing Facebook, then re-authorize access to photos.

Additionally, go to Settings<Facebook<Photos and making sure permission is on.
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