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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 15, 2009
I looked for similar threads but found none. I'm sure it's not a virus but I'd like some help on perhaps preventing this episode again.

-About 10 minutes ago I inserted my memory stick into my keyboard, and then connected to Cisco.

-I then tried to connect to my school's server and while the progress bar was loading I opened InDesign.

-The Indesign icon started doing it's little jumping thing but nothing was happening. I minimized my browser to look at the progress bar and it was still trying to connect to server. I waited about 2 minutes and when nothing happened I tried a force quit.

-It said that InDesign was not responding so I Force Quit it and nothing happened.

-I then tried to shut down the progress bar but I had that infuriating pinwheel going.

-I decided on a manual shutdown.
-I then turned the computer back on.

-Repeated the same steps except that this time Force Quit said my Safari AND Finder was not responding.

-I Force Quit Finder first. Then Force Quit Connecting to server but all of a sudden my desktop items disappeared as well as my toolbar at the top.

-I tried another manual shutdown because I couldn't call up my Force Quit with my shortcut keys and waited a minute.

-Turned my computer back on but the screen hadn't changed it was as if I had merely put my computer to sleep. I tried this twice.

-Then I turned it off again and this time unplugged my computer and waited a couple seconds.

-I am now on my third try and am afraid to connect to my school's server. I have only opened Safari to type this cry for help. I have an assignment due tomorrow!
This probably won't help, but it is something to try.

Try Repair permissions

Try PRAM reset

This document explains how to reset the parameter random access memory (PRAM) and nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) on Macintosh computers.

Important: If your computer does not retain parameter RAM (PRAM) settings when it is turned off, this generally indicates that the battery needs to be changed. Refer to Macintosh Family: Batteries and Part Numbers.

Products Affected
Portable Computers, Desktop Computers
Resetting PRAM and NVRAM
Shut down the computer.
Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
Turn on the computer.
Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
Release the keys.
Your computer's PRAM and the NVRAM are reset to the default values. The clock settings may be reset to a default date on some models.

Resetting PMU on PowerBook or iBook computers
In some troubleshooting situations, if resetting PRAM does not resolve an issue, resetting the PMU may be the next appropriate step. For information on when this is appropriate and for instructions on how to reset the PMU in your PowerBook computer, see Resetting PowerBook and iBook Power Management Unit (PMU).

Additional Information
Resetting NVRAM in Open Firmware
If your computer is Open Firmware-based (Power PC) and you are unable to reset NVRAM as described above, you may alternatively reset the NVRAM and Open Firmware settings using the steps in the Solution section of Message “To continue booting, type 'mac-boot' and press return”.

In some cases, an Open Firmware-based computer may not respond to the keyboard commands noted above, and may not allow starting up into Open Firmware by pressing and holding the Command, Option, O, and F keys during startup. If you are unable to get to an Open Firmware prompt (and your computer supports doing so), try powering on the computer with the power button held down continuously—as if you were doing a firmware update. This should force the computer into Open Firmware, allowing the steps in the article noted above to be used.

Contents of PRAM
Some Macintosh computers may not have all the settings described below. For Mac OS X information, refer to Mac OS X: What's Stored in PRAM?

Status of AppleTalk
Serial Port Configuration and Port definition
Alarm clock setting
Application font
Serial printer location
Autokey rate
Autokey delay
Speaker volume
Attention (beep) sound
Double-click time
Caret blink time (insertion point rate)
Mouse scaling (mouse speed)
Startup disk
Menu blink count
Monitor depth
32-bit addressing
Virtual memory
RAM disk
Disk cache
I use a desktop. Thanks for your help Ecoh, but I don't really want to fool around with my Ram, or Virtual Memory if I don't know what I'm doing.

I've narrowed it down though.
It's the server I'm connecting to that is causing my computer to freeze. None of the other programs affect it.
I will ask my Professor about it tomorrow.

The assignment is done at least!
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