I looked for similar threads but found none. I'm sure it's not a virus but I'd like some help on perhaps preventing this episode again.
-About 10 minutes ago I inserted my memory stick into my keyboard, and then connected to Cisco.
-I then tried to connect to my school's server and while the progress bar was loading I opened InDesign.
-The Indesign icon started doing it's little jumping thing but nothing was happening. I minimized my browser to look at the progress bar and it was still trying to connect to server. I waited about 2 minutes and when nothing happened I tried a force quit.
-It said that InDesign was not responding so I Force Quit it and nothing happened.
-I then tried to shut down the progress bar but I had that infuriating pinwheel going.
-I decided on a manual shutdown.
-I then turned the computer back on.
-Repeated the same steps except that this time Force Quit said my Safari AND Finder was not responding.
-I Force Quit Finder first. Then Force Quit Connecting to server but all of a sudden my desktop items disappeared as well as my toolbar at the top.
-I tried another manual shutdown because I couldn't call up my Force Quit with my shortcut keys and waited a minute.
-Turned my computer back on but the screen hadn't changed it was as if I had merely put my computer to sleep. I tried this twice.
-Then I turned it off again and this time unplugged my computer and waited a couple seconds.
-I am now on my third try and am afraid to connect to my school's server. I have only opened Safari to type this cry for help. I have an assignment due tomorrow!
-About 10 minutes ago I inserted my memory stick into my keyboard, and then connected to Cisco.
-I then tried to connect to my school's server and while the progress bar was loading I opened InDesign.
-The Indesign icon started doing it's little jumping thing but nothing was happening. I minimized my browser to look at the progress bar and it was still trying to connect to server. I waited about 2 minutes and when nothing happened I tried a force quit.
-It said that InDesign was not responding so I Force Quit it and nothing happened.
-I then tried to shut down the progress bar but I had that infuriating pinwheel going.
-I decided on a manual shutdown.
-I then turned the computer back on.
-Repeated the same steps except that this time Force Quit said my Safari AND Finder was not responding.
-I Force Quit Finder first. Then Force Quit Connecting to server but all of a sudden my desktop items disappeared as well as my toolbar at the top.
-I tried another manual shutdown because I couldn't call up my Force Quit with my shortcut keys and waited a minute.
-Turned my computer back on but the screen hadn't changed it was as if I had merely put my computer to sleep. I tried this twice.
-Then I turned it off again and this time unplugged my computer and waited a couple seconds.
-I am now on my third try and am afraid to connect to my school's server. I have only opened Safari to type this cry for help. I have an assignment due tomorrow!