Well my father need to boot into OS 9 for some reason or another. So he went to system prefrences>startupdisk, then he click the icon lable OS 9.2.2. Well he did what he had to do in OS 9, then he went into the Apple icon up in the top left hand corner of the screen. Normally he would choose start up disk and then click on OS X. But when he click on the apple icon all he saw was his documents; no startup disk, no system prefrences, no nothing!
He asked me how to help and I tryed starting up the Mac while pressing the option key, but nothing happned, and it still booted up in OS 9.
What am I doing wrong?
I need help!
His computer:
OS 10.3.4
OS 9.2.2
G3 400 MHz
192 RAM
He asked me how to help and I tryed starting up the Mac while pressing the option key, but nothing happned, and it still booted up in OS 9.
What am I doing wrong?
I need help!
His computer:
OS 10.3.4
OS 9.2.2
G3 400 MHz
192 RAM