So I left my comp on in the morning, set to make display sleep after one minute, do not let computer sleep. With magsafe connected. I just arrived home from work and my magsafe light was not flashing, I checked the electric port it was connected to. Was connected. Then checked the magsage adapter, everything was connected. And now I've just changed the wall connector it was connected and still nothing, however, everything else on that cable (it's a multi-connector) work so it can't have anything to do with the wires and etc.
So, I think my magsafe died. I have an hours worth of battery life left and Christmas and Boxing day are tommorrow and the day after, so everywhere is closed including my Apple reseller.
What the heck am I going to do?
So, I think my magsafe died. I have an hours worth of battery life left and Christmas and Boxing day are tommorrow and the day after, so everywhere is closed including my Apple reseller.
What the heck am I going to do?