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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 30, 2005
Hey guys!
Ok, so as some of you might know, I am in the market for a new Mac and I plan on buying an iMac to use as my "desktop machine" that will give me more of a kick than this maxed iBook. I have been thinking and I have three possible configurations I would be willing to buy. I plan on spending roughly $1299 on the computer. So here are the options:

1. Refurbished 20" 2.1GHz iMac G5
250GB HD
512MB RAM (Expandable to 2.5GB)
128MB of ATI Video
8x Superdrive

2. New 17" iMac Core Duo
160GB HD
512MB RAM (Expandable to 2GB)
128MB of ATI Video
8x Superdrive
Ability to run Intel applications

3. Refurbished 17" iMac Core Duo
160GB HD
1.5GB RAM (Expandable to 2GB; comes with 512MB, and I'd buy a 1GB stick from Crucial)
128MB of ATI Video
8x Superdrive
Ability to run Intel applications

Which do you think I should buy? It's really a matter of if I need the screen space more than the Intel processor. And then once I decide that, it's if I should start out with 1.5GB of RAM or add on later. I will be doing Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Office, iMovie and then the rest would be the basic stuff (web browsing, email/IM, iTunes, iPhoto, etc.). I was also hoping to possibly purchase Aperture in the future.

Any advice is appreciated! Thank you..
-Caitlyn :)
well, the intel version of photoshop is not out... it will probably be at least next year before you see it.
I honestly dont know if the core duos beat out the single G5 when using rosetta... i imagine its probably a close call. so if money isnt an issue... go with the new intel imac.
also considering that the intel imac has more of a future, its a better choice. resale might be higher too.

Unless your a heavy photoshop user I would have to go with #3. The extra gig of ram should help reduce the effects of rosetta.
Number 3, also when you say it can use intel apps, you know there are only a few intel only apps, as most are unviersal, meaning they can run on PPC and x86. Just putting it out there in case you go iMac G5 route, but I would say got intel refub
I'd say #3 since you apparently have no issue about going for the refurb ones. The Universal versions of Adobe CS-suite ja MS Office are still some time away but the longer lifespan of the Intel processor will outdo the initial sluggishness. And again, it should be illegal to sell a Mac with only 512MB of RAM, you will need more especially when using Photoshop under Rosetta.
just chiming in on the 3rd option. the intels are much faster, so they'll probably be worth the extra in the long run, and are more likely to keep ya satisfied longer than the G5.

HOWEVER... don't get me wrong, the G5 is certainly not going to be a sluggish machine. just because there is better technology out there does not render the capabilities of the PPC useless! i'm sure that if you decide on the G5 you'll be more than thrilled with your pick as well. also, like some already mentioned - if photoshop/adobe software in general is your main purpose, be ready to wait a while for your intel mac to run it the way it could.
Alright, thanks so much for the opinions guys. Well, being that the Intel Core Duo is future-proof, I think I will end up going with that. The only reason I was really considering the 20" G5 was because of the extra screen real estate. But I mean, I could always use the Intel's new mini-DVI port. The only thing I am concerned with for the Refurbished Intel Core Duo is the RAM. If I add a 1GB chip, then both slots are being used. First off, I've heard that it runs better if both slots have an equal amount of this true? Second, if I ever want to upgrade to 2GB, I'll have to ditch the 512MB chip. I mean, I guess I could sell it, but once it's used, do people really want it? Thoughts? Thank you again guys! :)
In processor heavy application you might see a slight difference in match compard to unmatched RAM. But it's very slight, with match RAM you might get 2-5% speed increase.

You can always upgrade later RAM is getting cheaper and cheaper. I would advise that you keep the original Apple RAM unless you want to purchase all your RAM from Apple. The reason I'm saying this is that if you have any problems along the road Apple care will not help you with 3rd Vendor RAM.
They will not help you with RAM related problems or any problems periods if you ditch the Apple RAM?
As far as I understood this. They want the original or Apple certiefied RAM in there. No third vendor stuff. I would just hang on to the original.
Caitlyn said:
They will not help you with RAM related problems or any problems periods if you ditch the Apple RAM?

one of the most common questions that you'll be asked if you ever have to call applecare for help with a hardware issue is whether you have any third party ram installed....and if you do, they're apt to say "that's most likely your problem!" then they'll tell you to take it out and see if the problem is still there.
i need an imac config for CS:S

if you play CS:S on high settings on an imac whats ure config? IFANY.
I went with the 20" iMac Dual core, and I have to say I love it so far. In your case I would consider the 17" just for Intel compatibility down the road.
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