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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 20, 2016
Does anyone know of a print app that gives you the option of controlling print quality? The native printer on my Mac laptop gave all sorts of option that I have gotten very (spoiled?) used to - including the ability to save ink. I already feel like a sucker for the amount of money I have to spend on ink...and 90 percent of the time I can get away with a low quality copy for my own purposes. thanks!


macrumors 603
Aug 14, 2009
Can't help with an app but can you set the defaults on your printer to the quality you want? That way everything prints low quality unless you specify otherwise.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 20, 2016
Thanks jlc for your speedy help. I can do that, but it is a pain because of the WAY I do the printing - the 90 percent crummy copies constantly INTERSPERSED with the 10 percent high quality copies. I'd have to change the settings 4-5 times a day. That is what I'm doing now - just looking for a shortcut.

I am just surprised that given how ubiquitous iPad and iPhone printing is now, that there is no easy way to control print quality settings. Even my manufacturer's (Epsons) own app doesn't let you control quality...but then again, it is in their interest to have me using gallons of ink!!!!

Thanks again, though. I appreciate your responding!


macrumors 603
Aug 14, 2009
Not sure this would work as I have not tried it:

Setup printers on a Mac using AirPrint, with different profiles for the printers for HQ and Low quality printing; then us AirPrint to print.
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