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Insulin Junkie

macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 5, 2008
Mainland Europe

I bought a first generation iPhone off e-bay ages ago, and unlocked / jailbroke it. A while ago I locked it again by mistake, and now - about a year later - I'm coming back to it, since I'd like to use the phone again.

I remember it's running firmware 1.1.4, and I'd like to jailbreak it. I downloaded ZiPhone 3.0, my iPhone is connected, with a sim card (it obviously still tells me is locked) inside of it, but when I run 'unlock, jailbreak and activate', it comes up with this error:

Searching for iPhone...
USBMuxListenerCreate: Unknown error: 0

Any suggestions? Should I use a previous version of ZiPhone? (If yes, download links please!) Or is there anything else I could try to unlock it? I've sort of fallen back in love with it and would like to use it again after ages of inactivity. Any help much appreciated!

I appreciate your help, but did you bother to sift through the information on that blog page before posting it here? Just what part of that page did you think was relevant to this problem? :confused:

Most of it deals with the 3G iPhone, the most relevant to my problem I've found on that page is alternative ways to get it in DFU mode, Though it makes no mention of 10.5.7, and I'm not going to attempt a fix recommended for 10.5.6, and especially not one of the complexity outlined.

As for the links, yes, I'm familiar with quickpwn, I'd just like to know which of the countless possibilities I'm best off following right now, considering the above described error.


Inability to get into recovery mode has more to do with the 8.2 version of iTunes that I'm running, I suspect it'll let the phone get into recovery mode and let me restore to a chosen firmware on an older version of iTunes (like 7.2), though I'm having a lot of trouble downgrading, iTunes 7.2 simply refuses to open after installing. (Keeps on telling me it can't read the library file because it was created on a newer version of iTunes, even though I trashed the library file and emptied the bin...) If someone can recommend a fix for this, I'm willing to try it out, because right now I suppose that seems to be my best bet.

In regards to my original post, I'm still looking for other possible solutions to this problem.

Thanks :)
Let iTunes upgrade the phone to 2.2.1, then follow this tutorial:

iTunes won't let me do anything with my iPhone, it comes up with a message that the sim card is invalid. I'm not given any controls, it's a blank page with an error message, no iPhone home screen at all. So I don't see how I could upgrade / restore to a firmware through iTunes. If I got to that page I could load a firmware on it myself, after all I do know how to do that since I've done it before, but that's not the problem.

I downloaded a 1.1.4 firmware because the first thing I wanted to do is restore it to that firmware before jailbreaking it, the fact that it's not letting me do that is part of the problem.

thx for replying.
I appreciate your help, but did you bother to sift through the information on that blog page before posting it here? Just what part of that page did you think was relevant to this problem? :confused:

Most of it deals with the 3G iPhone, the most relevant to my problem I've found on that page is alternative ways to get it in DFU mode, Though it makes no mention of 10.5.7, and I'm not going to attempt a fix recommended for 10.5.6, and especially not one of the complexity outlined.

As for the links, yes, I'm familiar with quickpwn, I'd just like to know which of the countless possibilities I'm best off following right now, considering the above described error.


Inability to get into recovery mode has more to do with the 8.2 version of iTunes that I'm running, I suspect it'll let the phone get into recovery mode and let me restore to a chosen firmware on an older version of iTunes (like 7.2), though I'm having a lot of trouble downgrading, iTunes 7.2 simply refuses to open after installing. (Keeps on telling me it can't read the library file because it was created on a newer version of iTunes, even though I trashed the library file and emptied the bin...) If someone can recommend a fix for this, I'm willing to try it out, because right now I suppose that seems to be my best bet.

In regards to my original post, I'm still looking for other possible solutions to this problem.

Thanks :)
Actually, it does apply, I think what they were refering you to was the following:
iPhone 2G (1st Generation)

Update or Restore your iPhone 2G with iTunes then run QuickPwn to do the magic, ‘nuff said, you don’t need to worry about anything.

Also, some more info would help. Is this a Windows or Mac machine? Are your machines up to date (WinXP SP3 or OS X 10.5.7)?
Alright, I'll re-cap all of this again, should have mentioned this all in my first post.

1.) As mentioned above, I cannot restore firmwares, because iTunes won't let me. This is all I get when I connect my iPhone to iTunes.


2.) I run leopard 10.5.7 on a unibody macbook, with iTunes 8.2

3.) It won't let me restore (pressing home and power button when iTunes is open doesn't help) - I found out this may have to do with the version of iTunes (running 8.2 at the moment). As specified above, I tried downgrading, but I'm having problems downgrading. (Again, it can't read the library file, tells me it's been created with a newer version of iTunes, even though I found the library file iTunes 8.2 had created, and trashed it).

How to proceed?
Alright, I'll re-cap all of this again, should have mentioned this all in my first post.

1.) As mentioned above, I cannot restore firmwares, because iTunes won't let me. This is all I get when I connect my iPhone to iTunes.


2.) I run leopard 10.5.7 on a unibody macbook, with iTunes 8.2

3.) It won't let me restore (pressing home and power button when iTunes is open doesn't help) - I found out this may have to do with the version of iTunes (running 8.2 at the moment). As specified above, I tried downgrading, but I'm having problems downgrading. (Again, it can't read the library file, tells me it's been created with a newer version of iTunes, even though I found the library file iTunes 8.2 had created, and trashed it).

How to proceed?
What SIM card do you have in the iPhone? Make sure you have an AT&T SIM inserted. If you don't have an AT&T SIM or you do and it may be damaged, can you get one just to restore your phone?
If you put the phone into DFU mode, then connect it to iTunes, I think it will then allow you to restore the phone, it will restore it to 2.2.1 by default. Give that a try.
If you put the phone into DFU mode, then connect it to iTunes, I think it will then allow you to restore the phone, it will restore it to 2.2.1 by default. Give that a try.

That worked. I downloaded the iPhone restore last night and then didn't activate. Just used QuickPWN.

Was all good!

Except not getting Edge to work. It comes up (I can see it on my Network Bar on top as a blue E.

But when I try to load up google it says
Could not activate cellular data network: You are not subscribed to a cellular data service​

Other than the browser, everything on the phone now works fine! I'm past the Emergency Screen! Can you help with that? Do I need to put a code in somewhere?
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