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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 24, 2006
I have a eMac that I bougth for 2 years ago. 1 GHz, 1 GB SDram. OSX 10.4.
My problem now is that my classic lock it self when it want, when I run games or programs. Say I shall scan a image, the program suddenly close down. If I play Heroes 3 it suddenly close down in the middle of the game. My Mac classic sytem is not stabel and I don't know why. Any advise?
Dealing with Classic on its own does the system act like this?

Boot up from OS 9 by choosing System Preference>Startup Disc>System 9.

I am not sure that your eMac can boot directly into system 9, but by your description I would think there is a pretty good chance it can. It will be easier to fix the Classic system (and diagnos the problem) from inside that system instead of running it through OS X. Do the problems still exist when you do this?
I have been told so before, the problem is that I can't. The only thing I can boot from startup disc is: Mac OS X 10.4.6 and network startup. So what do I do then?
I think I have found the problem. I think the programs don't get enough ram. How do I let the machine give classic more ram?
Okay. I manage to give the classic OS 9 more ram, but the problem is still there.
Try deleting the folder "Classic" in the Library>Preferences> directory. If not...

...then the best thing to do is to erase it and reinstall Classic from your OS X DVD's. If you don't have the DVD's, then this problem becomes even more difficult as you are simply facing out of date software. What programs do you use with Classic? You said images, there are tons of things to use in OS X for images. As for Heroes 3, I'm assuming you mean Might and Magic, in which case I don't know.

Erasing Classic is done by going to your root directory and erasing "System Folder" with the OS 9 icon. DO NOT TRASH 'SYSTEM'!!! That is the OS X system folder. Do not empty the trash just in case, and use your DVD's to find the Classic install.

This isn't a RAM issue this is an out of date software issue and reinstalling Classic might fix it.
stiantho said:
I have a eMac that I bougth for 2 years ago. 1 GHz, 1 GB SDram. OSX 10.4.
My problem now is that my classic lock it self when it want, when I run games or programs. Say I shall scan a image, the program suddenly close down. If I play Heroes 3 it suddenly close down in the middle of the game. My Mac classic sytem is not stabel and I don't know why. Any advise?

Is it unstable outside of the normal rhealm of Mac OS 9 instability? Remember, Mac OS 9 and everything before it were fairly unstable (compard to Mac OS X anyway).
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