Can someone post (here) a screen capture of the settings for the GB software synth, "Planetarium"? Since Apple in the infinite (looping) wisdom didn't allow for digital parameters ("Dig these sliders, BAY-BEE!!!") I'll need a visual reference.
I tweaked the settings and forgot to SAVE AS a different instrument name. Most synths won't keep tweaks UNLESS you save; GB saves them anyway. Ouchie wouchie woo-woo.
Oh, and I'm running X.2.8 w/768MB and 250GB HD (150GB available... but not free).
When I launch GarageBand or open another (or new) song, I get the following error message (which does NOT appear on any other apps):
Some Text Fonts are missing or not displayable, you dolt.
You can replace fonts globally in the Text Style Window, moron.
(Okay, so I added a the colorful metaphors.)
I did install the FontCard haxie but have since deactivated it in the prefs. (How can I remove it and APE Manage from system preferences, anyway?)
I DO have Times and Helvetica installed and active, and I DON'T have over 300 fonts installed as Apple suggests may be the problem.
I tweaked the settings and forgot to SAVE AS a different instrument name. Most synths won't keep tweaks UNLESS you save; GB saves them anyway. Ouchie wouchie woo-woo.
Oh, and I'm running X.2.8 w/768MB and 250GB HD (150GB available... but not free).
When I launch GarageBand or open another (or new) song, I get the following error message (which does NOT appear on any other apps):
Some Text Fonts are missing or not displayable, you dolt.
You can replace fonts globally in the Text Style Window, moron.
(Okay, so I added a the colorful metaphors.)
I did install the FontCard haxie but have since deactivated it in the prefs. (How can I remove it and APE Manage from system preferences, anyway?)
I DO have Times and Helvetica installed and active, and I DON'T have over 300 fonts installed as Apple suggests may be the problem.