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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 21, 2004
Nth Coast NSW
Dear global forum-ites:

Have downloaded latest osX driver for Roland UM1 midi-usb driver, plugged in my Korg stage piano, fired up GB and presto! Stone motherless nothing. Tried changing sound settings in osX, also preferences in GB, there is no option present to change line in to a different instrument etc.

Any gurus out there who can help? Thanks a squillion, Max
Dear Max,

You didn't mention making the correct settings in the Audio MIDI Setup. If this was to keep the length of your post down, great. If you haven't used this program, however, you won't be able to do much. In the event you haven't, here's what to do: open Audio MIDI Setup (it is in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder). Click on the right tab "MIDI Devices." If you have downloaded the Roland UM-1 driver, you will now see an icon representing your MIDI interface (it will be titled Edirol UM-4). If you see an icon representing your keyboard, great. If not, click on the button "add device." Select this new icon and click on the button "show info." You will then be able to name your keyboard (name it whatever you like), but more importantly, you need to select the make and model of your keyboard. Finally, you need to make the connections between the two devices (interface and keyboard). Click on the arrow heads that indicate MIDI in and out, and drag to the other device; a visible connection will be made. Once you make both connections, you can quit Audio MIDI Setup, and GB should work for you. Good luck, and I hope this helps!
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