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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 2, 2008
New Jersey, USA
Ok so when I was opening my new 3G today I thought the sim ejector tool was just some crap and i didn't know what it was and threw it out.
when i realized what it was i took a paper clip and gently took out the sim card with that just to make sure it worked. I then accidently dropped the SIM card on the floor.

Before all this I called my friend's phone fine. Now I am getting absolutely no service. Did I mess up my SIM card??

If I take it to apple and claim it was defective to begin with they'll give me a new one, correct?

EDIT: ok i just looked in my about section, and for network it says "not available." for carrier it says "(null) (null)". i think its safe to say i messed up my sim card. what do i do?
Also, for the time, it says its 8:35 PM when it is 11:38. please help me haha im panicking.

and i know, i shouldn't have done it, please only reply if you have something constructive to say.

Please guys, help me out :(
Yeah thanks, could they give me a new sim ejector tool too? I'm just in kind of a rush since I have this stupid law in my county where stores can't be open sundays, and i need a phone. im just freaking out because i literally bought the damn thing today. God im such a klutz.

If I bought it at the apple store should i go there?

Sim Ejector Tool? You mean a paperclip? Fairly sure those are widely available.
No, I use a paperclip all the time. And dropping a SIM shouldn't be enough to break it, as long as you didn't drop it into liquid or onto something that would zap a bajillion volts into it. Just dropping one on the floor shouldn't break one.

Make sure you inserted the SIM correctly (the gold contacts should be facing down). Also, try rebooting the phone and see if that helps, hold the home button and power button together for about 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears on a black background.
OK I put the SIM card in my old sony ericsson and it had full service, so its a problem with the phone. This is going to sound stupid, but it couldn't be that when I jailbroke it I screwed it up, right?
lol and the fact you had also jailbroken your phone wasn't worth mentioning in the first post? :p

a jailbreaking issue sounds more likely than a SIM card one.

from memory (i havn't jailbroken) there is an "activate" option somewhere throughout the process which should be UNCHECKED, i believe if you run the jailbreak with this activate option checked, then it can lead to no carrier issues.

someone else with jailbreaking experience will have to help you out here.

i believe it can be fixed by restoring apple firmware, or repeating the jailbreak properly though.
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