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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 10, 2017
Hey Guys,

I don't know if it is appropriate to post in here, if it is not please remove it, thank you.

I bought an iPhone 7+ few months ago, and few days later I noticed there is a dirt inside the lens, but I was so busy because it was my last semester and due to my past experiences with Apple (entire family are using apple devices), and those rumors about how Apple could easily take care of hardware issues, I decided to talk to them later when I had time.

This afternoon I thought it was the time to deal with it, and I scheduled a reservation with the Genius Bar in the Apple Store located in downtown Phoenix, because they were the only store that was available today.

I went to talk to one guy and he took my phone to be checked by someone else, and then told me it was a "cosmetic" problem because it won't actually affect anything (yes the dirt cannot be seen when using camera, but it is "cosmetic"???), I was shocked because this is definitely a factory defect, and there are chances the dirt will come into the center of the camera and what I'm worried is that once the warranty is over, they will have official reasons to say no to any trouble I have in the future. They told me "if" the camera or the functions was influenced by the dirt some day, they will take care. This is ridiculous because I paid same amount of money as the others, but have to carry the worries for the rest days I'm using the same iPhone.

I attached the photos of the details of the lens, which I took with my old iPhone 4 and an external micro lens (AWESOME IPHONE 4!!!), anyone has any recommendation to deal with this issues, or any method I could file a complaint against them regarding to this?

I appreciate that!




Jul 12, 2016
Not a big deal, but your thread should be under the iPhone forum. You just have more forum members replying to that specific thread catergory.

Anyways, I see what you're talking about with the debris surrounding the lens and under the lens cover. But I agree with Apple, there's no need to replace your device now if it's not affecting any form of using the Camera. It Might be annoying in the least, but like apple said, it's merely just an inconvenience for the moment. But, you should be at least reassured knowing Apple stated they would replace your device if at all it affects the actual productivity of the camera.

If you are concerned that Apple won't stand behind their claim after your warranty is expired, then you could have asked them to Notate their promise and/or findings under your work order/account. Which likely, they probably made some notes indicating your concern.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 10, 2017
Not a big deal, but your thread should be under the iPhone forum. You just have more forum members replying to that specific thread catergory.

Anyways, I see what you're talking about with the debris surrounding the lens and under the lens cover. But I agree with Apple, there's no need to replace your device now if it's not affecting any form of using the Camera. It Might be annoying in the least, but like apple said, it's merely just an inconvenience for the moment. But, you should be at least reassured knowing Apple stated they would replace your device if at all it affects the actual productivity of the camera.

If you are concerned that Apple won't stand behind their claim after your warranty is expired, then you could have asked them to Notate their promise and/or findings under your work order/account. Which likely, they probably made some notes indicating your concern.

Thanks, I searched on Google and indeed a lot people have similar problems, it is really rare for me to see that Apple is actually having lower and lower quality control on their products, I'll do what you recommend, which is to ask them to give a written prof or similar confirmation, about they will take care of it once the dirt does influence the camera, thanks a lot!!!


Jul 12, 2016
Thanks, I searched on Google and indeed a lot people have similar problems, it is really rare for me to see that Apple is actually having lower and lower quality control on their products, I'll do what you recommend, which is to ask them to give a written prof or similar confirmation, about they will take care of it once the dirt does influence the camera, thanks a lot!!!

No problem. Also, a lot of members have commented dust gets inside the camera lens or around the camera lens as your phone did. If that happens, I have read where Apple has replaced the device. So just keep an eye on it and hopefully it all works out for you. Good luck.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 10, 2017
No problem. Also, a lot of members have commented dust gets inside the camera lens or around the camera lens as your phone did. If that happens, I have read where Apple has replaced the device. So just keep an eye on it and hopefully it all works out for you. Good luck.

I appreciate that! Hope they will at least consider the problem seriously without simply telling me that was a "cosmetic " problem, I just don't like the phase they used because it obviously cannot compare with something like a scratch (It actually happened on my brand new iPhone 6 two years ago, after I removed the initial screen protector, there was a long scratch on the screen, and I did feel acceptable because it won't actually influence anything and it's almost invisible, but still that should not happen)

I have had a lot apple devices (I actually "applelized" my entire family and most of friends) and all of them work really well even after we got new upgrades (like my iPhone 4), and we never called Apple Support before and used to have strong confidence on their products, but this time I was so disappointed on both the quality of the product and their attitudes towards the problem.

Anyway thanks again for the information, I'll update the post once I got further response from Apple, : )


macrumors 601
Apr 30, 2012
I brought my iPhone 5 to Apple years ago when I had dust/dirt under the lens and they agreed it was due to manufacturer defect. Many others had the same issue with their 5's on here as well. Apple ended up opening up the phone and cleaning out the lens for me. No need for replacement.
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