Ideas for writing to the internal HD:
- Is the version you use Adobe Photoshop 12.0.4? If not
update it.
- Try the permission repair keysofanxiety told you.
- Did you try to make a new folder in whatever directory you want to write to? This new folder usually gets the needed privileges to write into. If that doesn't work, continue with the following, because your external HD is probably ignoring the ownership. Find out by Get Info... for that external drive and take a look at the lower left.
- Find out the access privileges for the folder you created on the internal HD in the previous step and for Photoshop:
Type in Terminal
You can drag and drop the folder instead of typing the path. Find the line with just a dot (.) in the column on the right. There, in the 1st column the first 4 letters should be "drwx", in the 3rd column should be your username, in the 4th column should be something like wheel, admin or staff.
Open Photoshop, open Activity Monitor App, in Activity Monitor take a look at the line with Photoshop and compare the Column "User" with the user name of the terminal output.
- Change owner and group:
Type in terminal
sudo chown username:group /path/to/folder
The username is the name you've seen in Activity Monitor's User column. Try wheel for group. Drag and drop the recently new created empty folder for the path to folder. Press enter, enter your admin password, press enter. Try to write again the photoshop file to this folder. If that doesn't work continue.
- Change access privileges:
Type in terminal
sudo chmod 700 /path/to/folder
Drag and drop the same folder for the path. Press enter, enter your admin password, press enter. Try again to write a photoshop file. If that still doesn't work, do the command again, but change 700 to 770, try again to write from photoshop. Still no success, try the command again with 777 instead of 770. If it has something to do with folder permissions on your drive, at some point writing from photoshop should work.