Hello all. I'm having a lot of difficulty trying to get Palm Desktop to work on my G5. I downloaded it from PalmOne, unstuffed it, and then tried to install it, but it keeps saying that it cannot install completely. Then I tried running just Hotsync Manager, and this is the error I get:
Application Launch Faliure
The application "HotSync Manager" could not be launched because of a shared library error: "4<HotSync Manager><HotSync Manager><HotSyncLib.PPC><>"
Does anyone have any insight? I even deleted the whole Palm folder from my applications, and downloaded and reinstalled the one on the Handspring website (I'm using a Treo 300) but I get the same results.
I don't know a lot about Macs yet, as I recently switched from XP, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Application Launch Faliure
The application "HotSync Manager" could not be launched because of a shared library error: "4<HotSync Manager><HotSync Manager><HotSyncLib.PPC><>"
Does anyone have any insight? I even deleted the whole Palm folder from my applications, and downloaded and reinstalled the one on the Handspring website (I'm using a Treo 300) but I get the same results.
I don't know a lot about Macs yet, as I recently switched from XP, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!