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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2008
i hope someone can help me here!

right...i have an IPhone 1st gen.... bought it from ebay a good 6months ago... unlocked it using ziphone on the 1.1.4 iphone software and used a orange contract...all worked fine and dandy....UNTIL

last week it suddenly decided to stop detecting my sim card! i was away at this point an just assumed ziphone had uninstalled itself... so when i got back home i tried reinstalling luck. so i then thought restoring it would be my best option...which has obviously updated my phone to 2.1! ahhh....well i eventually jailbreaked it using quickpwn(osx). and still no egg! it wont detect my sim.

have tried cleaning in the slot carefully...but am unsure if its a hardware/software issue?!

also, whether this is related to the prob or not, but also needs resolving! i continued using my phone as an ipod after sim failure for music...but randomly it started displaying "this accessory is not made to work with iphone"(with no accessory attached!) ....and stopped audio from the speakers and headphone jack! i read cleaning the connection at the base helps..but nothing!

im currently without a phone bar a nokia 8210! so help would be greatfully received! thanks ppl


with it been purchased over ebay rather then through apple/O2, does this effect repair/warranties?!
apologies if i sound dumb...but aint that the same thing?!

is this where i could be going wrong?

id be more then happy to revert back to 1.1.4 just to have my iphone back?!
it will be very difficult to go back to 1.1.4, instead use quick pwn and make sure you select unlock iphone. Your warranty is long gone, the second you use ziphone/pwnage tool a.k.a. a software mod the warranty no longer works. Im pretty sure you will be ok if you unlock with quickpwn. ziphone was probably the problem, many people experience problems with it over time.
what is the difference between jailbreaking and unlocking!? using quickpwn..i am only given the one option, it resets the iphone..loads up with a pineapple and then displays the main menu. am i missing something?!

thanks for your guidance!

right, my itunes is now syncing with my iphone on 2.1 ..but it is still not detecting a sim. whats next? do i need to unlock, to enable my orange sim to work? if so what program do i use?!
what is the difference between jailbreaking and unlocking!? using quickpwn..i am only given the one option, it resets the iphone..loads up with a pineapple and then displays the main menu. am i missing something?!

thanks for your guidance!

Jailbreaking, is not unlocking the phone for use on different cell carriers. Jailbreaking is installing files that allow you to apply a custom OS or rom, and customize the phone a bit more using non-apple approved software.

Unlocking, is programming the phone to allow sim-cards from ANY GSM cell phone carrier.


Here is a guide for jailbreaking and unlocking a 2.1 iphone 2g (original)
it will be very difficult to go back to 1.1.4, instead use quick pwn and make sure you select unlock iphone. Your warranty is long gone, the second you use ziphone/pwnage tool a.k.a. a software mod the warranty no longer works. Im pretty sure you will be ok if you unlock with quickpwn. ziphone was probably the problem, many people experience problems with it over time.

Not will still get your warranty if you restore with itunes and set the phone back to a virgin state !
i´m sure there is some agreement by now how to handle "old" iphones at the apple store !
Not will still get your warranty if you restore with itunes and set the phone back to a virgin state !
i´m sure there is some agreement by now how to handle "old" iphones at the apple store !

Old phones that are under warranty, yes....

Old phones that are NOT under warrany, no.
Old phones that are under warranty, yes....

Old phones that are NOT under warrany, no.

you don´t get warranty in america when you buy something of ebay ? :)
(usually if it´s still under a year warranty can be passed on no ? )
of course you have to qualify for warranty to get warranty :)

just saying warranty has nothing to do with software modifications if you reverse them before going to the store you will be fine ...
but i´m sure giving it another try with the pwnage tool might do the trick
If you used QuickPwn, it's not unlocked. Go back, and do it again with PwnageTool.

If you would like to keep your SMS data, save a copy of it from your phone before running the update, and then SSH it back into your phone after re-jailbreaking.

It's stored here:


You can do the same with Notes as well:


If anyone knows where individual game save data is located, I'd love to know that. It would be awesome to know how to restore Super Monkey Ball, Enigmo, Texas Hold 'Em, etc. :)
thanks very much for all your posts!

but today i nearly lost it, i actually threw my phone against the wall! im going insane here! its been over a 2weeks without the use of this beautiful product!

have easily jailbreaked the phone using quickpwn...but still need to unlock it! its still not detecting my orange sim card.

i have noticed on some youtube vids, the windows version of quickpwn offers an unlocking option..but not on the mac version! is there specific 2.1 unlocking software?!

all i want now is to unlock mr iphone!! please please help me.... like i said i would be more then happy to revert my phone back to 1.1.4 just so i can have a phone back!?!

if i lose this week i will post a video me smashing it!
yea, pwnage tool, quickpwn...they do the same thing

Okay, the pwnage tool should unlock the phone-it sound like you have restored to 2.1.

Make sure when you use pwnage tool you choose to unlock the phone-you will know you chose this because it will either locate the baseband software or it will ask you to download the software.

Are you seeing this happening?
yea, i restored to 2.1

no not at all! i am not being given any options at all!
i have tried both qwickpwn and pwanagetool....still nothing

yes, i have installed bootneuter from cydia...does diddly poo!
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