i hope someone can help me here!
right...i have an IPhone 1st gen.... bought it from ebay a good 6months ago... unlocked it using ziphone on the 1.1.4 iphone software and used a orange contract...all worked fine and dandy....UNTIL
last week it suddenly decided to stop detecting my sim card! i was away at this point an just assumed ziphone had uninstalled itself... so when i got back home i tried reinstalling ziphone...no luck. so i then thought restoring it would be my best option...which has obviously updated my phone to 2.1! ahhh....well i eventually jailbreaked it using quickpwn(osx). and still no egg! it wont detect my sim.
have tried cleaning in the slot carefully...but am unsure if its a hardware/software issue?!
also, whether this is related to the prob or not, but also needs resolving! i continued using my phone as an ipod after sim failure for music...but randomly it started displaying "this accessory is not made to work with iphone"(with no accessory attached!) ....and stopped audio from the speakers and headphone jack! i read cleaning the connection at the base helps..but nothing!
im currently without a phone bar a nokia 8210! so help would be greatfully received! thanks ppl
with it been purchased over ebay rather then through apple/O2, does this effect repair/warranties?!
i hope someone can help me here!
right...i have an IPhone 1st gen.... bought it from ebay a good 6months ago... unlocked it using ziphone on the 1.1.4 iphone software and used a orange contract...all worked fine and dandy....UNTIL
last week it suddenly decided to stop detecting my sim card! i was away at this point an just assumed ziphone had uninstalled itself... so when i got back home i tried reinstalling ziphone...no luck. so i then thought restoring it would be my best option...which has obviously updated my phone to 2.1! ahhh....well i eventually jailbreaked it using quickpwn(osx). and still no egg! it wont detect my sim.
have tried cleaning in the slot carefully...but am unsure if its a hardware/software issue?!
also, whether this is related to the prob or not, but also needs resolving! i continued using my phone as an ipod after sim failure for music...but randomly it started displaying "this accessory is not made to work with iphone"(with no accessory attached!) ....and stopped audio from the speakers and headphone jack! i read cleaning the connection at the base helps..but nothing!
im currently without a phone bar a nokia 8210! so help would be greatfully received! thanks ppl
with it been purchased over ebay rather then through apple/O2, does this effect repair/warranties?!