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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 26, 2008
Hey guys/gals just wanted to share with you my recent problem with my now 3rd 27" imac due to problems with the prior 2. This happned while I was watching house and has happned once again since then. I reinstalled snow leopard and reset my pram so I have no idea what this is? Graphic card issue? Please respond with your ideas as to what this is and what I should do because I do not want to have to exchange this thing for the fourth time if i dont have to. I did call applecare and they told me to take it in so I just thought I would get all of your opinion/ideas. The first video is when the issue first started happnening and the second video is a few seconds after I tried to do a hard restart. Thanks for your help!
probably driver issues in conflict with some software or application. maybe waiting for os update 1.6.2 wouldn't be a bad idea. try to reinstall os and see if you can reproduce that bug again without any additional software installed.
Thanks for the reply. I did reinstall and I got the same problem? So u think I should just wait for an update? You don't think it's the graphic card?
They're graphical artifacts. Possibly a problem with your graphics card, although it might be software related.
Definitely give Apple a ring.
They're graphical artifacts. Possibly a problem with your graphics card, although it might be software related.
Definitely give Apple a ring.

Yeah I called AppleCare and they said to bring it in the only issue with that is it's an hour and a half away. If I did bring it in do you think they could just replace the graphic card on the spot or would they have to send it in for repair?
Yeah I called AppleCare and they said to bring it in the only issue with that is it's an hour and a half away. If I did bring it in do you think they could just replace the graphic card on the spot or would they have to send it in for repair?

I'd say they'll just give you another iMac. Replacing the graphics card would be too tedious for them to do in the store I'd imagine, I may be wrong though.
I'd say they'll just give you another iMac. Replacing the graphics card would be too tedious for them to do in the store I'd imagine, I may be wrong though.

Yeah thats what I figured but Im not sure. So Im still a little confused about what might have caused this. Maybe a driver issue? Graphic card? If its the latter I will want it replaced but if its just a driver I don't want to go through the hassle of taking it to the apple store and all that. So if you were in the situation what would you do? Take it to the apple store which is an hour and a half away or wait for 10.6.2?
Yeah thats what I figured but Im not sure. So Im still a little confused about what might have caused this. Maybe a driver issue? Graphic card? If its the latter I will want it replaced but if its just a driver I don't want to go through the hassle of taking it to the apple store and all that. So if you were in the situation what would you do? Take it to the apple store which is an hour and a half away or wait for 10.6.2?

In my experiences, graphical artifacts like the ones you posted indicate an overheating graphics card. I would take it back to the store.
Yeah thats what I figured but Im not sure. So Im still a little confused about what might have caused this. Maybe a driver issue? Graphic card? If its the latter I will want it replaced but if its just a driver I don't want to go through the hassle of taking it to the apple store and all that. So if you were in the situation what would you do? Take it to the apple store which is an hour and a half away or wait for 10.6.2?

I would run back to the store, and they should replace it on the spot. And if it happens with the 4th one, get it replaced again and so on. With the $$$ you drop on this, these problems are unacceptable (they would be unacceptable even on a 400 dollar Dell). You only have a 14 day grace period, after that they will only repair it.
Oh you mean like this? Mine is 21 days old bought from my local Apple store. Second time this has happened. Only a forced reboot fixes it. Backing up my data now.


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Something tells me its a graphics card problem, those glitches usually represent a dying or failing graphics card, but it doesn't hurt to call Apple and get their opinion on it.
I got artifacts while play Call of duty 4 :(

Mac version!:(


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Hey guys, yeah I've seen the exact same issue happening on my 24" iMac (late 2006). Bogus artifacts all over the screen, whether it was in a graphically intensive application (Call of Duty 4, Photoshop) or even moments after a cold startup. I spent a couple of months dealing with Apple on the issue this summer, and they were quick to try and help.

They replaced my 7600GT 256MB video card for me twice, the second time in conjunction with a logic board swap. After neither of these replacements fixed the issue (luckily I was still within my warranty period by a few months, because the replacements were billed at like $1500 CAD all said and done), I asked Apple if they were going to do anything else. They were going to swap out the LCD display, but since it was also happening on my external display, I asked if instead I could get a new iMac. After a brief discussion with a product specialist they agreed.

I received the midrange 24" iMac (early 2009?) with the ATI 4850 512MB video card (I had to make a few phone calls to Apple, and they let me upgrade). But I haven't had a chance to test it out yet because I am away travelling for 6 months and it arrived a day or two after I left the country.

I'm really not sure what caused the issue in the first place. Heat is a likely source, but I clean out dust regularly and have a completely open air environment around the Mac. After swapping out video cards (a total of three times, as mine was fried 1.5 years ago accompanied by a kernel panic), and the logic board, and having the issue present itself on external displays, also a new hard drive, as well as several fresh installs on Mac OS, did not resolve the issue. I'm at a loss as to what may be the cause, but at the very least I'm happy that Apple stands by their products when they DO go under.

I'll stay posted here and see if there is any progress being made. Best of luck guys!
Hey guys, yeah I've seen the exact same issue happening on my 24" iMac (late 2006). Bogus artifacts all over the screen, whether it was in a graphically intensive application (Call of Duty 4, Photoshop) or even moments after a cold startup. I spent a couple of months dealing with Apple on the issue this summer, and they were quick to try and help.

They replaced my 7600GT 256MB video card for me twice, the second time in conjunction with a logic board swap. After neither of these replacements fixed the issue (luckily I was still within my warranty period by a few months, because the replacements were billed at like $1500 CAD all said and done), I asked Apple if they were going to do anything else. They were going to swap out the LCD display, but since it was also happening on my external display, I asked if instead I could get a new iMac. After a brief discussion with a product specialist they agreed.

I received the midrange 24" iMac (early 2009?) with the ATI 4850 512MB video card (I had to make a few phone calls to Apple, and they let me upgrade). But I haven't had a chance to test it out yet because I am away travelling for 6 months and it arrived a day or two after I left the country.

I'm really not sure what caused the issue in the first place. Heat is a likely source, but I clean out dust regularly and have a completely open air environment around the Mac. After swapping out video cards (a total of three times, as mine was fried 1.5 years ago accompanied by a kernel panic), and the logic board, and having the issue present itself on external displays, also a new hard drive, as well as several fresh installs on Mac OS, did not resolve the issue. I'm at a loss as to what may be the cause, but at the very least I'm happy that Apple stands by their products when they DO go under.

I'll stay posted here and see if there is any progress being made. Best of luck guys!

Im glad to hear they were at least willing to work with you in getting everything figured out. Im expecting a call from apple on tuesday regarding an upgraded replacement to my 27" imac. They said they would look into it because this is my 3rd imac and this one is again having the same problems which is ridiculous. So we will see whether or not they upgrade my computer to the i5. Im not getting my hopes up but it would definitely make up for all of the hassle that I have gone through with driving an hour and a half each way to the nearest apple store. Hey spartan did they give you guidelines as to why they upgraded your computer for you? Was it because you had it fixed three times?
Oh you mean like this? Mine is 21 days old bought from my local Apple store. Second time this has happened. Only a forced reboot fixes it. Backing up my data now.

Did you exchange it or send it in for repairs?
Did you exchange it or send it in for repairs?

Yes. I got a Core i5 model from the Apple store on 11/14. I brought it in and said I was having trouble. Even though I was outside of the 14-day return policy, they said I could still exchange but there might be a restocking fee. They changed their minds about the restocking fee when I showed them that pic and said it happened twice. They allowed me to exchange/upgrade (for $300), and the rep said something like he wouldn't be comfortable having a genius look at it. I agree. A computer that new should not have that happen, and should not have to undergo any kind of corrective "surgery." No problems with the i5 yet.
Im glad to hear they were at least willing to work with you in getting everything figured out. Im expecting a call from apple on tuesday regarding an upgraded replacement to my 27" imac. They said they would look into it because this is my 3rd imac and this one is again having the same problems which is ridiculous. So we will see whether or not they upgrade my computer to the i5. Im not getting my hopes up but it would definitely make up for all of the hassle that I have gone through with driving an hour and a half each way to the nearest apple store. Hey spartan did they give you guidelines as to why they upgraded your computer for you? Was it because you had it fixed three times?

As far as the replacement computer goes, you're aware that it takes at least a product specialist level employee to issue that. For the upgraded parts I had to go higher than that person's authority. In my case since they were already giving me a $2100 iMac for free after having owned the previous computer three years and having a ton of money in parts and labour put into it, I too felt like that was enough on their part. I wanted to pay the $200 difference to get the upgraded video card, and that was where we ran into more issues. I had to call Apple Customer Support, ask for a Product Specialist, and then ask for her supervisor. They were very kind, and patched me through after asking me some brief questions about my case (case ID, is the problem still occurring, what is it that I am looking to resolve by phoning, etc), because if one of them was able to help me and had the authority to do it, they would be more than happy to have helped.

When I got through to this supervisor I explained my situation, the recurring artifacts making it impossible to do my work (I do wedding photography on the side), and that having been an issue for several months, I was happy to be receiving a new computer. But since my work involves graphically intense applications, a new computer with a basic onboard video card (which they were about to replace mine with) was of literally no value to me.
He then went and spoke to the customer relations committee, and on his return assured me that it wouldn't be any issue to give me the option to upgrade my computer for the replacement. The only catch, which you'll be happy about tclamp, is that it doesn't go through the Apple Store but through their offices directly!
( The nearest store for me is a good hour away too, and it was such a hassle to drive there, haul this heavy thing halfway across the largest mall in north america. )
They send you shipping labels, you put your imac in a box, and drop it with the prepaid labels off at any UPS. When they see the tracking sku in transit, they ship your new imac out to you! It's a pretty good system in my opinion.

Seeing that you've had to have your entire computer replaced so many times, you should mention how unsatisfied you are with the recurring issue at hand. I really do think that they'd be willing to upgrade you, and that if you go high enough they should be able to waive the upgrade price for the higher end processor. Just be polite with them, but firm. Make sure you tell them that you haven't been satisfied with the current platform, but appreciate all they've BEEN doing to try and accommodate you, and that you WOULD be satisfied if they were to upgrade you to a working [more powerful] system [for your troubles]. Three lemons in a row for one person is a statistical nightmare that they will want to remedy in my honest opinion.
As far as the replacement computer goes, you're aware that it takes at least a product specialist level employee to issue that. For the upgraded parts I had to go higher than that person's authority. In my case since they were already giving me a $2100 iMac for free after having owned the previous computer three years and having a ton of money in parts and labour put into it, I too felt like that was enough on their part. I wanted to pay the $200 difference to get the upgraded video card, and that was where we ran into more issues. I had to call Apple Customer Support, ask for a Product Specialist, and then ask for her supervisor. They were very kind, and patched me through after asking me some brief questions about my case (case ID, is the problem still occurring, what is it that I am looking to resolve by phoning, etc), because if one of them was able to help me and had the authority to do it, they would be more than happy to have helped.

When I got through to this supervisor I explained my situation, the recurring artifacts making it impossible to do my work (I do wedding photography on the side), and that having been an issue for several months, I was happy to be receiving a new computer. But since my work involves graphically intense applications, a new computer with a basic onboard video card (which they were about to replace mine with) was of literally no value to me.
He then went and spoke to the customer relations committee, and on his return assured me that it wouldn't be any issue to give me the option to upgrade my computer for the replacement. The only catch, which you'll be happy about tclamp, is that it doesn't go through the Apple Store but through their offices directly!
( The nearest store for me is a good hour away too, and it was such a hassle to drive there, haul this heavy thing halfway across the largest mall in north america. )
They send you shipping labels, you put your imac in a box, and drop it with the prepaid labels off at any UPS. When they see the tracking sku in transit, they ship your new imac out to you! It's a pretty good system in my opinion.

Seeing that you've had to have your entire computer replaced so many times, you should mention how unsatisfied you are with the recurring issue at hand. I really do think that they'd be willing to upgrade you, and that if you go high enough they should be able to waive the upgrade price for the higher end processor. Just be polite with them, but firm. Make sure you tell them that you haven't been satisfied with the current platform, but appreciate all they've BEEN doing to try and accommodate you, and that you WOULD be satisfied if they were to upgrade you to a working [more powerful] system [for your troubles]. Three lemons in a row for one person is a statistical nightmare that they will want to remedy in my honest opinion.

Thanks for your reply! Very informative! I am going through the same process as you mentioned with speaking to a senior apple advisor who then referred me to customer relations. I should be hearing from them tomorrow as to whther or not they are going to upgrade my iMac. I know what you mean when you say to be polite but firm. Kill them with kindness! To be honest I'm really not expecting the upgrade for free but if they do it would deffinately make up for my problems experienced earlier. I will let you know what apple decides to do. Thanks again.
Thanks for your reply! Very informative! I am going through the same process as you mentioned with speaking to a senior apple advisor who then referred me to customer relations. I should be hearing from them tomorrow as to whther or not they are going to upgrade my iMac. I know what you mean when you say to be polite but firm. Kill them with kindness! To be honest I'm really not expecting the upgrade for free but if they do it would deffinately make up for my problems experienced earlier. I will let you know what apple decides to do. Thanks again.

i tried speaking to them when i had my 2nd computer replaced. the most they offered me was an ipod nano.
Just an update for you guys/gals I spoke to apple customer relations today and to my amazement they offered to exchange my 27" base config C2D imac to a 27" 2.8ghz i7 with 8gb of ram and a 2tb hdd! I couldn't believe it! They really went above and beyond and made up for all of the hastle that I had to deal with! Apple rocks!
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