I just got my new 24 inch aluminum, 4GB, 1TB, iMac back from Apple finally. First one had screen problems.
No white spots on the screens, no lines and gradations like previously before phewwwwww. and the stand is sturdier with the tilt screen stronger than before.
However, I do notice a HUGE DIFFERENCE in the SOUNDS -- its not my internal speakers on my iMac, cause it does it on my external JBL's too when theyre connected.
On my identical iMac at work (and the one i previously returned - which was purchased in May), I could have itunes volume up around 90% and system volume up at 90% with no distortion.
Now, i can only put the itunes volume up around 70% and the system volume at around 70% -- or else the iMac starts distorting its built in speakers and my JBL external speakers do also.
Is this just Apple upgrading their soundcard so I won't have to turn it up as loud (70% now vs. 90% before without distortion). Or do you think its a system flaw? Has anybody heard of this with the most recent iMacs?
It sounds a heck of a lot clearer when it is 70% or lower, but i never had the problem where i put itunes above 70% and system volume above 70% too and it got really distorted.. I noticed it right away - since I'm using to playing it at that level.
i just remember cranking my internal speakers at work almost all the way with itunes up 80% without any distortion, now when i do that with the one at home its all distorted.
and PS - yes i checked the equalizer in itunes.
any ideas or anyone ever heard of this with the latest iMacs that have shipped? i don't want to have to take this back again...
I just got my new 24 inch aluminum, 4GB, 1TB, iMac back from Apple finally. First one had screen problems.
No white spots on the screens, no lines and gradations like previously before phewwwwww. and the stand is sturdier with the tilt screen stronger than before.
However, I do notice a HUGE DIFFERENCE in the SOUNDS -- its not my internal speakers on my iMac, cause it does it on my external JBL's too when theyre connected.
On my identical iMac at work (and the one i previously returned - which was purchased in May), I could have itunes volume up around 90% and system volume up at 90% with no distortion.
Now, i can only put the itunes volume up around 70% and the system volume at around 70% -- or else the iMac starts distorting its built in speakers and my JBL external speakers do also.
Is this just Apple upgrading their soundcard so I won't have to turn it up as loud (70% now vs. 90% before without distortion). Or do you think its a system flaw? Has anybody heard of this with the most recent iMacs?
It sounds a heck of a lot clearer when it is 70% or lower, but i never had the problem where i put itunes above 70% and system volume above 70% too and it got really distorted.. I noticed it right away - since I'm using to playing it at that level.
i just remember cranking my internal speakers at work almost all the way with itunes up 80% without any distortion, now when i do that with the one at home its all distorted.
and PS - yes i checked the equalizer in itunes.
any ideas or anyone ever heard of this with the latest iMacs that have shipped? i don't want to have to take this back again...