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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 18, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
I have a Crumpler Barney Rustle Blanket and would like to use it for carrying around my Canon 400D (and sometimes an extra lens) instead of the bag that came with the camera as it's overly big, but I'm worried about protection as there's not much of it in the bag.

Is there any way to help protect my gear when it's in the bag? Or would I be better off:

1) Just buying a better bag

2) Not even bothering and just stick with the old bag?

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
Crumpler sells "The Bucket for Western Lawn or Barney Rustle Blanket" - it's a padded insert that turns your particular messenger bag into a photo bag. Go to their site and look through the "camera bags" section (I'm not sure how to link to a particular item on that site).

Another option is to use camera/lens wraps. I do this a lot when I want to carry my D70 in my Crumpler Dreadful Embarrassment:

David Honl's pro wraps - expensive, quite nice

Roadwired R.A.P.S. - cheaper, not as rugged as the Honl wraps but they do the job (as long as you're reasonably careful)


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 18, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
I'm having a look at the Crumpler 4 million dollar home as an investment, but it'll make me feel like a Crumpler Fan Boy as I already have 2 Crumpler Bags and a School Hymn. :p

The wraps look like a good idea, but I'm more concerned about if something hits my bag, will the camera be protected? The wraps look like they only protect against scratches.
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