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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 25, 2020

I’m wanting to buy the 2020 macbook air, as pretty much everything about it suits my needs/wants perfectly...

However, I’ve been seeing a lot of negative reports regarding the fan/throttling issues (some saying it idles at 100 celsius??)

For context, I’m a college student who will be doing zero photo/video editing, gaming, coding. I will just be doing a lot of writing and normal internet browsing (emails, research, video streaming, etc), maybe a powerpoint here and there.

Do you think I will experience the overheating issues doing these tasks on the base model?

And please, don’t make this a windows vs apple thing.

Thanks in advance for your help!


macrumors 65816
Nov 9, 2009
I don’t have a MacBook Air (I’ve ordered it though!) but I think a lot of the issues have been blown out of proportion. There’s some helpful videos which point it out and prove it. I think if you stress test there will be issues but for you, you won’t that that issue. For your needs it sounds like a great machine.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 25, 2020
I don’t have a MacBook Air (I’ve ordered it though!) but I think a lot of the issues have been blown out of proportion. There’s some helpful videos which point it out and prove it. I think if you stress test there will be issues but for you, you won’t that that issue. For your needs it sounds like a great machine.
Thank you so much for your reply! I think I will go ahead and order—besides, the quarantine has extended the return policy, so I’m sure I’ll be fine whether I decide to keep or not. If you can spare the time once you get it, I would love to hear your thoughts then, too!


macrumors 65816
Nov 9, 2009
If it makes you feel better - here’s a video which addresses the heat issue:

And no problem - happy to provide an update!
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