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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 3, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
Hey guys...

For the most part, I am fairly unknown on these boards but I try to participate in photography discussions when I have time, but due to travelling and moving around places I have not been as active as I would like! I enjoy the photographs I see on this section of the board and love witnessing the great talent evolve from a great diversity of people.

I am now studying in my final year degree (in graphic design) at University in the UK. My final project is fairly open based, and I have decided to be fairly experimental. Here is the brief I have wrote so far:

Events, such as September 11th 2001 and July 7th 2005 meant the world’s press was subjugated with one story. Communicating these stories with the world is about immediacy. Photographers need to act quickly, where it is their job to take action and failing to portray such events in an appropriate manner could provoke the wrong message. Thus, the chosen images captured must sum up the whole event: injured, lost, panic, heroism, kindness, desperation, etc. The question is then, what is the appropriate response from the photographer and how is that response fully portrayed through each photograph?

Diversity surrounds us; different cultures, different beliefs, different ideas everywhere. This distinctive structure brings forward the idea that various people would construe various meanings to a subject matter in many different, yet fascinating ways. How would someone in Asia respond to a theme as apposed to someone in North America using only photography, for example? If individuals were to capture moments, based on a single theme or event, from all around the world at the same time, what would their responses be?

While that may seem abstract, I would still love some help. I aim to collect around 300+ unique images from different networks/communities of photographers (one shot each) and evaluate my findings based on the priciples of cognitive psychology and how people interpret a certain theme visually (by means of photography). I aim to have results published (maybe a collection in the form of a book) or online or even in a gallery depening on my luck.

The theme is yet to be decided, but imagine if I asked every photographer I knew to step outside of their door at the same time on the same day (from around the world of course) and take a picture of whats going on. That collection would show the diversity of the world in a certain world...

So I am wondering... Would any of you guys/gals be interested in participating? There are no hidden worries or anything, its just a fun project I want to create. :) Think of it as a themed, photo of the day, kind of thing!

Let me know, or any feedback, or anything really


macrumors regular
May 23, 2006
Buenos Aires, Argentina
What you posted reminded me of a very cool project that has been going on for over 20 years called "a day in the life". The premise is that a ******** of photographers disembark on a certain country and then take pictures over the course of the day. They have a lot of the books edited, I have the one in China and it's amazing looking at pictures taken all the same day at different points of a country really shows you the diversity of the world. Here's the page of the project:

As for your idea, I think it's really cool and i'm up for it if it's a reasonable hour. Would you try and take all the pics at the same time or at the same hour (taking time differences into account) ???

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
On Nikon Cafe we have a weekly "cooperative shoot," which started out very much this way, where we all were to shoot something at a given time and date, taking into consideration our own individual time zones and such. Pretty neat stuff!


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
maxi said:
As for your idea, I think it's really cool and i'm up for it if it's a reasonable hour. Would you try and take all the pics at the same time or at the same hour (taking time differences into account) ???

Thinking in terms of graphic design rather then photography, I think it would be neat to take thje photos at the exact same instant. Some would be takene at local midnight others at loacl noon then arainge the images by geographic location and yu woud have a pictures of how light (sunlight, moonlight, electric light) covers the Earth

Project the images on a sphere and put it inside a quicktime VR and then the viewer could interact with the sphere, rotate or zoom in.


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2006
London, UK
I think it is a really good idea Tony and I would really like to help out a fellow student with a photography/design related project. Just say when.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 3, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
maxi said:
What you posted reminded me of a very cool project.....[/URL]

As for your idea, I think it's really cool and i'm up for it if it's a reasonable hour. Would you try and take all the pics at the same time or at the same hour (taking time differences into account) ???

Thanks for the feedback! I checked out that link and I am going to try and pick up some of those books, they seem real fascinating. Thanks

I'll let you know about the time. Are you in Argentina?

beavo451 said:
Sounds like fun, I'd be all for it.

:)! Where abouts are you situated? Thanks

Clix Pix said:
On Nikon Cafe we have a weekly "cooperative shoot," which started out very much this way, where we all were to shoot something at a given time and date, taking into consideration our own individual time zones and such. Pretty neat stuff!

Cool! I'd love it if you sent me some links maybe?!


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 3, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
ChrisA said:
Thinking in terms of graphic design rather then photography, I think it would be neat to take thje photos at the exact same instant. Some would be takene at local midnight others at loacl noon then arainge the images by geographic location and yu woud have a pictures of how light (sunlight, moonlight, electric light) covers the Earth

Project the images on a sphere and put it inside a quicktime VR and then the viewer could interact with the sphere, rotate or zoom in.

Seems like we are on the same page... Love the projection idea. Fantastic... I am going to investigate that

cookie1105 said:
I think it is a really good idea Tony and I would really like to help out a fellow student with a photography/design related project. Just say when.

:)! Awesome! I'll let you know

epicwelshman said:
I'd be happy to help.

Thanks! :) Where are you situated?


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
What you need to do is make an e-mail list or a google group or a forum for people who are going to contribute. You will need one central place to comunicate. Send me a PM and I'll sed you an email address. You can add my email to your list


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 3, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
ChrisA said:
What you need to do is make an e-mail list or a google group or a forum for people who are going to contribute. You will need one central place to comunicate. Send me a PM and I'll sed you an email address. You can add my email to your list

I was in the process of doing such a thing. I'll let you know when it is ready :)

Thanks for the suggestion though


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
I'd love to participate in your project... just let me know I can do that..
All the best - phil

pdxflint at yahoo dot com


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 3, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
Excellent! Thanks so much for all your help (+pm's)

I am still trying to get as many people involved as possible, so please spread the word


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 3, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
Just as an FYI, I have changed my brief slightly, and would appreciate you taking the time to read and see if there is any insanity there...

When a major profound moment occurs in the world, the media would be subjugated with one story. Communicating these stories with the world is about “immediacy” explains Hugh Pinney, managing director of news at Getty images. This quality brings the observer into direct involvement with the situation, which is now even more feasible with modern communication. The changes in communications and craft media have had a massive effect on human consciousness, and that “modern electronics are bringing humanity full circle to an industrial analogue of tribal mentality”, known as the ‘Global Village’ as told by Marshall Mcluhan and Quentin Fiore.

During this “Global Village” time period, photographers need to act quickly, as it is their job to capture a moment in an equitable way and in a style in which any user can suitably understand the event. Failing to portray such events in an appropriate manner could provoke the wrong message. Thus, the chosen images captured must sum up the whole event: injured, lost, panic, heroism, kindness, desperation, etc. The question is then, what is the appropriate response from the photographer and how is that response fully portrayed through each photograph so the user can fully interpret the connotations?

Diversity surrounds us; different cultures, different beliefs, different ideas everywhere. This distinctive structure brings forward the idea that various people would construe various meanings to a subject matter in many different, yet fascinating ways. How would someone in Asia respond to a theme as apposed to someone in North America using only photography, for example? As Roland Barthes believed, photography has a “unique potential for presenting a complete real representation of the world.” If individuals were asked to capture moments, based on a single theme or event, from all around the world at the same time, what would their responses be and as Barthes reflected, what is the relationship between “obvious symbolic meaning of a photograph, and that which is purely personal and dependant on the individual?” What visual metaphors will individuals conceive when reacting to a theme, and how will this relate to the possibility of including some sparse text for further consideration? Will their reactions change knowing that I have exclusive rights to display their visual culture and can this product really help people understand differences in attitudes, behavioural trends and characteristics of a certain social group?

Thanks, and let me know if this makes sense


Sep 12, 2006
tonyeck said:
Just as an FYI, I have changed my brief slightly, and would appreciate you taking the time to read and see if there is any insanity there...

Thanks, and let me know if this makes sense

You pose a number of questions - are some of them rhetorical or do you intend to answer them all? assuming it's all, I have some more specific comments:

The question is then, what is the appropriate response from the photographer and how is that response fully portrayed through each photograph so the user can fully interpret the connotations?

how will you establish if a response is "appropriate"? appropriate with respect to what?

“obvious symbolic meaning of a photograph, and that which is purely personal and dependant on the individual?”

In order to determine "obvious symbolic meaning", I presume, you are going to compare against some archetypes (you mentioned cognitive psychology in your first post)? Some will debate the "obviousness" of symbols and the validity of different archetypal systems.

Will their reactions change knowing that I have exclusive rights

How will you determine whether reactions have changed from studying the photographs? will you have different control groups (one where you don't mention exclusive rights, versus another where you do)?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 3, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
You raise some good points, and ones I feel I have neglected to mention here, yet I have these ideas down, but didn't post them. My bad....

I will answer your questions in a little while, just a little busy right now

Thanks for the feedback though!


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 3, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
VictorM said:
You pose a number of questions - are some of them rhetorical or do you intend to answer them all? assuming it's all, I have some more specific comments:


VictorM said:
how will you establish if a response is "appropriate"? appropriate with respect to what?

I was refering to how photojounalists/editors make the decisions based on images they take/get after a certain event. For example, after the bombings in London, was the appropriate response to show teror or survival.

VictorM said:
In order to determine "obvious symbolic meaning", I presume, you are going to compare against some archetypes (you mentioned cognitive psychology in your first post)? Some will debate the "obviousness" of symbols and the validity of different archetypal systems.

Thats part of my project, its very research based, including looking into perception as a whole, and like you say, its validity against stereotypes

VictorM said:
How will you determine whether reactions have changed from studying the photographs? will you have different control groups (one where you don't mention exclusive rights, versus another where you do)?

This is where I should have provided more info, and I appreciate bringing this up as it was not clear. I will conduct a number of experiments, physical and online, (tangible items will change people's perceptions easily) based around people's reactions, people's interpritations, and how they can be manipulated by others. It's based alot on theories of visual culture too

Sorry it took so long to get back to you, its been a hectic few weeks.

Thanks for the feedback


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 3, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
Also, I forgot to add, please spread the word... I want this to be huge

Thanks to everyone so far... I have set up a place to discuss this, and will give you all the link shortly

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