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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 14, 2010
HELP. Trying to switch from Chrome to Safari. Safari Technology Preview (STP) seems much better than Safari.
I've got STP set up as the default browser in System Preferences > General > Default Web Browser.
I subscribe to a handful of website push notifications, such as the ones Macrumors offers (
When I get a notification and click on it, both STP and Safari (which isn't even running) load the notification website.

I've tried every setting I can think of, seems like the two browsers share a lot of settings, including the ones for individual websites and among other things their notifications. For the records I've tried the following settings.

In Preferences for both Safari and STP, so Safari or STP > Preferences > Websites > Notifications -- both Safari and STP show for ex MacRumors as "These websites have permission to show alerts in Notification Center", and both show "Allow" for Macrumors and a handful of other sites that I want to get notifications from. I tried a bunch of times yesterday, for ex. setting this screen under Safari to "Deny" while leaving it on STP as "Allow"; I also tried deleting or "Removing" the Macrumors page under this notifications screen from Safari but leaving it in STP. The two browsers definitely share settings, because no matter in which order I tried to change these setting, no matter if I had one browser open while the other closed, or if I deleted/removed them from both and only re-added them under STP, they're basically in some degree of sync and the end result is either both browsers load the site once I click the notification from that site, or if I mess enough with removing from one but keeping the notification active in the other, I break it and neither browser loads it. So that's it, just trying to figure out if this is indeed how it is supposed to work.

Looked under System Preferences > Notifications. Can't seem to change the way it works under there either.

If I'm missing something on how to properly configure these two browsers to have only one of them load when I click one of these push notifications, can someone please enlighten me, as I'm getting a little tired of banging my head against the desk in trying to figure this out.
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