Hey Guys,
First post here, hope you can help me out.
1st off - I am trying to find a way to sync Apple TV w/o needing to have files on Computer HD (External HD is an option) - Here is the problem I am constantly updating my Apple TV with new movies and I have read around and saw that if you do the command drag (running MacBook), you can somehow update these files when external HD is connected... If I sync after that, will I lose my files? (Link to explanation of how to do this will be okay as well)
2nd - I want to make all of my movie files look like the digital downloads - PG, G, PG-13, R, AA etc. on my AppleTV so that it looks like I have them all digital downloads (Information, director, description, etc.) I have fooled around with the info pane (cmd-I in iTunes) and I have tried to update director, genre, artwork, etc. The only thing that has come up properly on the Apple TV is the artwork... Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I am particularily anal about any information on my computer and it's organization
. Thanks in advance for the advice.
Regards and glad to be a part of the forum.
First post here, hope you can help me out.
1st off - I am trying to find a way to sync Apple TV w/o needing to have files on Computer HD (External HD is an option) - Here is the problem I am constantly updating my Apple TV with new movies and I have read around and saw that if you do the command drag (running MacBook), you can somehow update these files when external HD is connected... If I sync after that, will I lose my files? (Link to explanation of how to do this will be okay as well)
2nd - I want to make all of my movie files look like the digital downloads - PG, G, PG-13, R, AA etc. on my AppleTV so that it looks like I have them all digital downloads (Information, director, description, etc.) I have fooled around with the info pane (cmd-I in iTunes) and I have tried to update director, genre, artwork, etc. The only thing that has come up properly on the Apple TV is the artwork... Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I am particularily anal about any information on my computer and it's organization
Regards and glad to be a part of the forum.