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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 9, 2003
1. There is slight discoloration around the palm rest and click button that is yellowish in color...

2. My time recently got thrown off and I cannot reset it to the correct time manually. The correct time zone is set and everything.

3. It seems like after a short period of time, particular applications will cease to function. For instance, Toast was working great for a couple weeks, then just recently i went to use it and it did the bouncy thing on the toolbar and just went away. This has happened with several applications i have used.

I am a new mac person, so excuse me in advance if these problems have a somewhat trivial fix. Thank you very much.
Cannot help with #1, but to troubleshoot #2 and #3 try one thing: Log into another user account on your Mac (make one if you have to) and see if the time corrects itself and Toast and other applications will start.

Also, for #2: You have checked the Set date & time automatically in System Preferences -> System -> Date & Time (prefpane) -> Date & Time (tab), right? And have you tried to change to another time server, like

Longshot, for #3: You haven't deleted any fonts, have you? If not, it still cold be a fonts issue (it's usually that or corrupt pref files when an application refuses to start), open Font Book and verify fonts and resolve duplicates.
For #1: I've read that clear/blue non-Acetone nail polish remover will fix the stains without damaging the plastic. You might want to try it.
Tried creating a new account. nothing worked.

can't sync the computer up with another server ATM because im at work
without a signal.

the only thing i've removed are printer drivers..ahhh!!!!
Spent about an hour on the phone with apple. Was referred to several 'upper' level people, and they seemed to be surprised by the findings of the discoloration but after all that it turns out that there was nothing they could do due to the cosmetic nature of my issue.

real great way to start out with macs aye
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