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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 5, 2019

I have an Iphone 6s plus and I had to replace the touch ID from another broken 6s plus which had a perfect working Touch ID since mine was broken. It is not possible to activate the touch ID of another Iphone for mine. I have found out from some research that the touch id is linked to the motherboard...

So my question is that; If I jailbreak my iphone and install a touch ID tweak... Will the touch ID work using the tweak??

Is this method possible.... I couldn't find any answer anywhere...! I hope someone can give me information....



macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Not possible.

Touch ID is hardware. Your fingerprints are stored in a 'secure enclave' that Apple cannot access. The hardware must be reset by Apple during a screen replacement or home button replacement. This is a security feature designed to protect you.

You will need to take it to Apple. Only Apple has the tools to reset the secure enclave.
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