This is what's working for me in 10.11.2 --
In Finder Preferences >>Advanced, the global choice "Show all filename extensions" unticked.
Folder "info" pane "hide extension" is greyed out.
Double click folder to open file(s) window. Either press+hold command and then select each individual file or press command + A to select all... Next, press command/option/I to open "info" pane. Tick "hide extension" for the X number of files.
Hi, rshrugged.
So, this works for me as well as it's hiding extensions on a file-level.
I want to do the very same but on a folder-level, as the data, I would like to hide extensions across, spans GBs and countless folders; file-level data control is unnecessarily laborious - we can at will group data into groups (folders) but must do so surrendering some control of the data?
In my own solution-hunting, I quickly discovered that on >no< folder can I ever tick Hide extensions for what that folder contains (regardless if files constitute all one type (.pages, .JPG etc.) or many).
When you view the Information panel for any given folder, can you tick and untick the Hide extension box or does it lock you out, so to speak?
Finder > Preferences : Advanced
tick the box by Show all filename extensions
That is global.
Within a folder if you want some showing but not all, highlight the ones you want to change all at once. Hold down the Option key and Get Info (Command-I or from the File menu). If you choose the File menu, you will notice that Get Info changes to Show Inspector when the Option key is pressed. Now tick the box to hide extensions. Of course, you have to use the global method to get them all to show extensions first.
Does all this still work? I'm still using OS 10.6.8
Hi, Gregg. Sorry for the delay; I was in Estonia over the weekend and hadn't my laptop with me.
It was hard to follow some of this because my computer doesn't have English names, so after some minutes found the path you speak of and it still has the option greyed out. I am running 10.11.2, so maybe they disabled this feature? I liked your thinking on this though and appreciate the creativity.