Hi, I bought a MacBook online two days ago and it has not been shipped yet and I want to cancel it for a Pro. I choice to put the 100gb harddrive in and since it is custom I'm not sure if Apple will let me cancel that and exchange it for a Pro. I also bought a 60gb Ipod and a Printer and plan to use those rebates, but am not sure if they can just crossout my MacBook order and add the Pro in and it will stay in the same sales order. I know I can call, and I will tomorrow morning but I was wondering if you guys think they will let me exchange an unshipped item to another item while staying in the same sales order.
I also bought the Applecare plan for my MacBook and did not realize that you can wait 11 months then sign up for it, so you guys think they can cancel that and refund my money? That has allready shipped but I have not gotten it yet.
The reason I wanted to cancel it is because I realize that I can play WoW on the MacBook fine, but I'm a big gamer and while I do have a PC w/a 7800gt gaming in the car is allways funner on those long trips. I also am waiting for the game Spore to come out and highly doubt that the MacBook can run that, so that is another reason. Thanks for all who comment.
I also bought the Applecare plan for my MacBook and did not realize that you can wait 11 months then sign up for it, so you guys think they can cancel that and refund my money? That has allready shipped but I have not gotten it yet.
The reason I wanted to cancel it is because I realize that I can play WoW on the MacBook fine, but I'm a big gamer and while I do have a PC w/a 7800gt gaming in the car is allways funner on those long trips. I also am waiting for the game Spore to come out and highly doubt that the MacBook can run that, so that is another reason. Thanks for all who comment.