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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 4, 2024
Hi people,

Excited to have just bought this Samsung Monitor to improve workflow but (of course), I get home, plug in the HDMI cable into my port and into the monitor and nothing comes up on screen. HDMI cable and monitor both work fine (tested independently on other devices) and my HDMI port is also working fine (with other devices).

Having trawled through as many guides/forum posts as possible, I've now got to chalk it down to some setting that I'm missing and that isn't configuring automatically... I've tried opening display settings and pressing the option key to reveal 'detect displays' but nothing happens. The monitor is being detected alright, but no signal coming through. I was under the impression that this monitor would just be a simple plug 'n' play but clearly sorely mistaken.

Worst part is my SO's laptop (stone age 2010 macbook pro) has the display working fine which is frankly laughable.

Thanks in advance for any help and please let me know if I can provide any further info that might be of use!

p.s. I've had issues with my macbook failing to transmit audio data through hdmi to a tv monitor in the past.. had found a quick workaround by way of restarting the mbp while keeping the monitor plugged in. This is a now very old firmware issue with an astounding number of MeToo's on apple support forums and to my knowledge there is still no fix. Please someone tell me this isn't a similar case scenario.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 4, 2024
Update: I went out and bought a USB-C hub (which includes a HDMI port) and I'm now getting signal through it! I wouldn't call this a fix per se, but definitely a workaround. Hopefully this helps somebody else out.
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