My MBP's hard drive died last week. Just before it died, data started getting corrupted and all my phone numbers (not contact names) were wiped from my address book on my computer. I had no idea that was happening as I seldom use the address book on my computer. However, everything is automatically set to sync with Mobileme and subsequently to my iphone. When I used my phone, I noticed all my phone numbers were gone and the same is true on the Mobileme server. The one saving grace is that I backup my computer religiously and I have all the information on my external drive. I'm waiting for Apple to fix the hard drive and should get it back tomorrow. However, I'm afraid that if I reload all my files from my external drive and it gets synced to Mobileme again, my address book on my external drive will be considered "old" and my "new" address book on the server with no phone numbers will replace all the numbers I have on my backup. How do I replace the numberless address book on my iphone and mobileme server with what's on my external hard drive?