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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 10, 2006
i'm officially a mac noob as of today. after paying roughly 40 bucks for expedited shipping and waiting 2 agonizing days, my macbook finally arrived in the mail.

anyhow my question is, since AIM for Mac keeps crashing randomly, I downloaded and installed Adium. But can't seem to find how to get into public, already established chatrooms. I'm a chat junkie, so i'm hoping there's a way for me to enter exchange 5 chats.
Unorthodox said:
There is a "New Group Chat…" (apple+shift+J) item in the file menu.
Did you try that?

yep, but that just brings me to private chats (exchange "4") which isn't what I'm looking for.
Unorthodox said:
That didn't work, huh.
Thats a bummer.
You could always use Semaphore instead of Adium.

i managed to figure it out.

it was more simple than I had thought. enterting an AIM command in the safari URL bar will open the corresponding action in Aduim.

thanks for your help though:D
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