I run an ibook 933 g4 and play star wars: jedi academy in multiplayer and singleplayer mode. Here's the problem: a lot of times when I am toting my notebook, router, cables, etc. it is inconvienent to take my cd cases which holds my games, so I tried to copy the game to my hard drive. It seemed to go fine, but would not play. I looked at the files on the CD to see if they all went ( I actually own the software, I'm not pirating) and there's a folder called base which would not copy to my HD. I am not good with file structure but I am assuming this is my problem. Is there any way to get this folder to copy, like I said I am not trying to pirate or even make a backup, just get the disk to my hd so I don't have to take the cd and scratch it up.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.