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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 15, 2014
Hi all,

I am developing an app using xcode 5 and the storyboard.

I want to make an app that is similar to Timehop but with only recent events eg. Reading Festival or events the user has just attended maybe using location services?

but first I want make a user profile system that makes the user creates a profile if its the first time use and if not it goes to their profile.

how would I start this, any good tutorial recommendations? I am new to objctive c so any syntax would also be nice thanks
Hi all,

I am developing an app using xcode 5 and the storyboard.

I want to make an app that is similar to Timehop but with only recent events eg. Reading Festival or events the user has just attended maybe using location services?

but first I want make a user profile system that makes the user creates a profile if its the first time use and if not it goes to their profile.

how would I start this, any good tutorial recommendations? I am new to objctive c so any syntax would also be nice thanks
You're getting way ahead of yourself. If you don't have a deep understanding of object oriented programming already it's probably going to take well over a year or two of learning to be competent enough in all areas of development to make an app like that.

First you would have to learn the actual language which takes a while. Then you have to learn xcode and Cocoa Touch, which will take even longer. Then you have to learn something like MySQL or some database system to put on a server, then learn PHP + JSON or some other system to hook it up to your code. Then you have to learn how to market your app, which is without a doubt one of the hardest parts of app development to do well, and it's why most commercial app projects crash and burn, because most people never hear about it.

Programming is very difficult to learn for most people and it takes a certain type of person to do it well. You can't go from zero to 60 in a few weeks or even a few months when your competitors have big teams and years of experience over you.

It's cool to have an ultimate goal but I would start with something much simpler. For example, a blank white screen that says "hello world". Lol.
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I have a degree in programming, I am just new to Objective C lanuguage, so i am familiar with the fundimentals

like with my log in system of remembering is it a case of a simple if system

if created profile {

//go to app

else {

//create profile


just not sure of the specific syntax
I have a degree in programming, I am just new to Objective C lanuguage, so i am familiar with the fundimentals

like with my log in system of remembering is it a case of a simple if system

if created profile {

//go to app

else {

//create profile


just not sure of the specific syntax

Sorry but that is not the case at all, if only it was so simple...

What languages are you familiar with?

I am currently working through this tutorial.

which is the start i want, so when i get that done I need to workout how to log in automatically and to have a simple profile system like username,profile pic etc

You realise the tutorial explains how to build a local only login system, right? If you follow this tutorial, register an username and password, then go to another iPhone, the login is not going to work.

Also, it is important to note that this tutorial makes use of NSUserDefaults, which is not secure for credentials
I am aware of that it is locallay stored.

I want it to be so if user A uses the app on his phone, then he get his profile and no one elses,

and user B also has the app on her phone and only her profile then later I want but in the other stuff
Best of luck. Honestly, the fact that you came on here and asked for "the syntax" makes it clear that this project is going to take a lot more time than you seem to think. Sit back, relax, and try and take things slower cause if you think you can do this in a weekend or two you're going to burn out. I'd recommend picking up the book "Programming in Objective-C" by Stephen Kochan, that will teach you the language itself.

The language, Objective-C, is relatively easy to learn. That's not the difficult part. It's maybe 10% of the work at best, at least for me it is. It's all of the UI stuff and other technologies like delegation, UITableView, NSFetchedResultsController, core data, grand central dispatch, etc. the stuff that makes your app something that people will actually be interested in downloading, that takes a lot more work. And that's not even going in to all of the server side stuff you will have to have down pat, because an app like this is going to require online accounts, trying to do an app like this with local accounts is pointless. You are going to have to tie-in all of the data from Facebook, twitter, etc. and trying to do that without online user accounts...? what is the point of that?

Hope I am not bursting your bubble, you should stay excited about it cause it is a lot of fun, but you need to realize its going to take a lot longer than you think. Maybe your previous experience with C++ will help a bit, I dove in to iOS development without any previous experience so perhaps your mileage may vary. Objective-C and C++ are similar in a lot of ways, so you will probably learn the actual language 4X faster than I did, but that's the easy part.
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.I understand objective c just fine thank you, I just don't know specific sytax which is i'm sure what i asked help with at the start :p

- knowing something and understanding someting are two different things imo

well I've done the tutorial just fine thanks anyone point me in the direction of a good user profile tutorial or tell me how to have it so users can upload a profile pic to their phone
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