Let me start by saying, I'm an artist at heart, not a programmer. I've been hacking and clawing my way through the app development process, learning as I go. I have an issue that I need help in figuring out the best way to address it.
I have an app that periodically gives information on upcoming sales in the area, each time displaying the date, address, and a map that kicks out to the Maps app upon clicking it. The app that I've made currently uses a WebView to display updated sale/address information as if it were a page within the app. I did this because 1) I couldn't figure out how to update the text strings displaying the dates and address for the sale from a server, and 2) I couldn't figure out how to make the clickable Maps address update either. It was easier just to display a webpage inside a WebView as if I were doing it the "proper" way that I didn't know how to do.
Now I need to figure out this stuff because I'm trying to expand this app onto the Apple Watch. Now I know that I can use Dictionaries to update these strings from an XML file on the server (dictionaryfromURL or something like that, I don't have the documentation open). I don't know anything about JSON, or Databases, so I was just planning on doing the XML method to define the key and string values. The way I understand it, I can reference the key to get the value and then display the text that way with a UILabel. Seems pretty simple.
However, after doing some digging, it's not as simple as it seems. I've read a bunch of stuff about needing to parse the XML and this and that. I downloaded a sample project from Apple called XML performance that seems to do what I want (i.e. updating the string values via XML), but there's so much going on in the code that I know it can't be THAT complicated to do what I'm trying to do. I just need to display a few lines of text and have the clickable maps address also be updated from that dictionary.
What's the best way to go about this? Am I totally off the mark?
I have an app that periodically gives information on upcoming sales in the area, each time displaying the date, address, and a map that kicks out to the Maps app upon clicking it. The app that I've made currently uses a WebView to display updated sale/address information as if it were a page within the app. I did this because 1) I couldn't figure out how to update the text strings displaying the dates and address for the sale from a server, and 2) I couldn't figure out how to make the clickable Maps address update either. It was easier just to display a webpage inside a WebView as if I were doing it the "proper" way that I didn't know how to do.
Now I need to figure out this stuff because I'm trying to expand this app onto the Apple Watch. Now I know that I can use Dictionaries to update these strings from an XML file on the server (dictionaryfromURL or something like that, I don't have the documentation open). I don't know anything about JSON, or Databases, so I was just planning on doing the XML method to define the key and string values. The way I understand it, I can reference the key to get the value and then display the text that way with a UILabel. Seems pretty simple.
However, after doing some digging, it's not as simple as it seems. I've read a bunch of stuff about needing to parse the XML and this and that. I downloaded a sample project from Apple called XML performance that seems to do what I want (i.e. updating the string values via XML), but there's so much going on in the code that I know it can't be THAT complicated to do what I'm trying to do. I just need to display a few lines of text and have the clickable maps address also be updated from that dictionary.
What's the best way to go about this? Am I totally off the mark?