I have been using handbrake to convert my dvd collection / lovefilm rentals with no probs but I decided to make the collection look better using metaX and / or iflicks. Like a couple of users on this forum I found MetaX quickly corrupted the original file so I moved onto iflicks. Again it works ok but converts everything to a quicktime mov in stereo only and the iflicks faq page and preferences doesnt seem to have the optiopn to retain 5:1. As a result I'm still using iflicks as a lazy way of getting art and synopsis ( it takes 1 hr per film..) which I then copy back into the original handbrake version but in doing so lose parental guidance ratings...this seems a little bit backwards to me. Are there any other suggestions?. When I just copy the artwork directly from imb.com or other site the thumbnail is very small but is the right size when sourced from iflicks - probably the main reason I'm still presevering this way.