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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 7, 2003

I know this is only vaguely Mac related, but I was hoping someone could help.

I have a .mac email account, which 9 times out of 10 I access with my Mac using 10.3's email program, which works nicely.

Occasionally however I need to access and send email via a PC (running XP). For small emails this works fine, but if I ever need to send large email attachments it always barf's... this happens with any email client, including Mozilla, OE, Euroda, etc... But it never happens on my Mac using 10.3's email program. I did find a way of sending a large attachment via my PC using OE, which has an send option to break apart large emails into smaller chunks... This works but isn't very nice, since the receiver retrieves several emails and not one, which they have to piece together.

Anybody have any idea why this happens? Maybe there is something .mac email servers do which confuses other email clients... I know I'll get responses saying PC's are crap and Mac's are great, but I cannot believe Mozilla mail cannot handle something that Apple's mail program cannot.

This isn't really a fix, but you could also send large files using your iDisk public folder. Then just send them the link to the file in your e-mail message.
Thanks for the suggestion, I'm not sure if I can access my idisk folder from my PC, will have to investigate...

Really wish I could sort this problem out, I will be without my mac soon (has to go back to apple for a screen fix), so I'll be pc-only for a while and I need my email-attachment support...

Could always go with the web I suppose, not as elegant tho...
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