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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 30, 2007
Sin City, NV
Ok so i followed these instructions:

Copy the files to your iPhone as follows:

SummerBoard.framework -> /Library/Frameworks/SummerBoard.framework -> /Applications/
Themes -> /var/root/Library/SummerBoard/Themes -> /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

But this part i didnt understand so i ignored it:

Make sure that the plists permissions are as such:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 704 Oct 9 20:00

Reboot iPhone, enjoy!

I rebooted my iPhone and summerboard didnt pop up on the springboard, did i do something wrong, can someone explain what:
"Make sure that the plists permissions are as such:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 704 Oct 9 20:00" means? Thanks.
Short answer: It doesn't really matter, if you can't see SMBPrefs on your springboard than you probably copied something wrong. Make sure when it says (for example) " -> /Applications/", you're not copying into a FOLDER in your applications directory called, you're copying that file straight into /Applications.

Long answer: Those are user permissions. I think there are 3 users on the iPhone: root, wheel, and everyone else. If all 3 had full read, write, and execute permissions, it would look like this: xrwxrwxrw (the rest you can basically ignore). -rw-r--r-- means that root has read and write permissions, but not execute (look at the first 3 letters), wheel has only read (the next three), and everyone else has only read. If you're using CyberDuck, right click on the file in your iPhone and click Get Info (or something like that). The perms are at the bottom.
Short answer: It doesn't really matter, if you can't see SMBPrefs on your springboard than you probably copied something wrong. Make sure when it says (for example) " -> /Applications/", you're not copying into a FOLDER in your applications directory called, you're copying that file straight into /Applications.

Long answer: Those are user permissions. I think there are 3 users on the iPhone: root, wheel, and everyone else. If all 3 had full read, write, and execute permissions, it would look like this: xrwxrwxrw (the rest you can basically ignore). -rw-r--r-- means that root has read and write permissions, but not execute (look at the first 3 letters), wheel has only read (the next three), and everyone else has only read. If you're using CyberDuck, right click on the file in your iPhone and click Get Info (or something like that). The perms are at the bottom.

You really DO need to chmod 755 the files you install.. I had them 644'd and my iphone just hung at the apple logo (I still had ssh running though, so I was able to ssh in and repair the permissions on the summerboard files).
You really DO need to chmod 755 the files you install.. I had them 644'd and my iphone just hung at the apple logo (I still had ssh running though, so I was able to ssh in and repair the permissions on the summerboard files).

chmod? what the heck is that?
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