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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 27, 2006
Vancouver Canada
Hi everyone.
Need some help from anyone who has used Telus high speed internet from Canada.

I mistakenly disconnected the ethernet connection from my ADSL to my Airport G base station in order to plug it into another,non wireless-capable computer. Big mistake.

immediately I was unable to hook on to the net anymore. The problem is that Telus limits you to only 2 dynamic MAC addresses. I set up my wireless network over 1 year ago with the help of someone from Apple as I couldn't get the base station to act as a router instead of a switch. So, when I replugged the ethernet cable back to the Airport base station, I suppose that Telus had reset the MAC addreses assigned to our account.

After 1.5 hours with Telus help (they didn't).....I am no further ahead. I can see and hook up to my Airport network on any of our 3 computers (2 imacs and 1 MacBook) but I can't hook up to the net using Airport. Any attempt at firing up a web browser redirects me to Telus' login page where it asks you to either automatically or mannually register your computer's MAC addresses. One of them is the MAC address for the Airport wireless (the 00:11:24:A7: etc etc) besides the tiny Airport logo. For the second MAC address, I tried to manually input the MAC address of the Airport ethernet port (the number: letter combo besides the ethernet logo; its where the ethernet cable is attached to teh base station from my Telus ADSL modem, but then none of my computers can hook onto the net and are redirected to the login page. I can blip out the ethernet MAC address and force the MAC address for any one computer, but that prevents the other 2 from joining.

I have restarted all computers, released/renewed DHCP for all computers, turned the Airport on and off more times than I can count.

What am I doing wrong?

Please help.
maccanuck2006 said:
Need some help from anyone who has used Telus high speed internet from Canada.
Please help.

If I'm understanding your setup, you have your Airport-G cable connected to the Telus ADSL modem and the other Mac's connected wirelessly?

I'll use the term physical address instead of 'Mac' address here to avoid confusion.

The physical address Telus will be assigning to your account, should be the Airport-G's physical address, as presented to the Telus modem. It shouldn't be any of your Mac's physical addresses.

If you log on to the Telus login page, using any of the browser connections, via the Airport-G, this should initiate the connection - assigning the Airport-G's physical address to Telus for your account. As far as Telus' network is concerned, you only have one physical address and one IP address... the Airport-G's.

This help?
Danksi said:
If I'm understanding your setup, you have your Airport-G cable connected to the Telus ADSL modem and the other Mac's connected wirelessly?

I'll use the term physical address instead of 'Mac' address here to avoid confusion.

The physical address Telus will be assigning to your account, should be the Airport-G's physical address, as presented to the Telus modem. It shouldn't be any of your Mac's physical addresses.

If you log on to the Telus login page, using any of the browser connections, via the Airport-G, this should initiate the connection - assigning the Airport-G's physical address to Telus for your account. As far as Telus' network is concerned, you only have one physical address and one IP address... the Airport-G's.

This help?

Well, you have described our situation perfectly. The Telus folks asked me to release one of the 2 physical addresses (ie leave it blank) and then log on again to the Telus login page. Theoretically this should have identified the Airport G as the one physical address. Unfortunately this doesn't work; when I do this the physical address that I blanked out is not refreshed with either the WAN IP address or the LAN IP address (I have tried connecting to both by the way, having forgotten which I shoudl have connected on to). The Physical address remains 00:00:00:00. Then NONE of my computers can hook onto the net; forcing me to automatically assign that blank physical address to one of our actual computers. There is activity on the base station and the DSL mode,; all of the lights are on signifying that the network is running and we have an ADSL line, but I can't get more than one computer to access the net via the base station.
I have tried manually inputting the physical address from the LAN line with the ethernet cable into the LAN port, and also inputing the physical address from the WAN line with the ethernet cable into the WAN port. I have tried refreshing the base station with the Airport Admin....
Nothing has worked. Currently I have forced my wife's MacBook onto Telus, which is the only way we can now get onto the internet. I am getting mighty frustrated.

Thanks for any help!
maccanuck2006 said:
Well, you have described our situation perfectly. The Telus folks asked me to release one of the 2 physical addresses (ie leave it blank) and then log on again to the Telus login page. Theoretically this should have identified the Airport G as the one physical address. Unfortunately this doesn't work; when I do this the physical address that I blanked out is not refreshed with either the WAN IP address or the LAN IP address (I have tried connecting to both by the way, having forgotten which I shoudl have connected on to). The Physical address remains 00:00:00:00. Then NONE of my computers can hook onto the net; forcing me to automatically assign that blank physical address to one of our actual computers. There is activity on the base station and the DSL mode,; all of the lights are on signifying that the network is running and we have an ADSL line, but I can't get more than one computer to access the net via the base station.
I have tried manually inputting the physical address from the LAN line with the ethernet cable into the LAN port, and also inputing the physical address from the WAN line with the ethernet cable into the WAN port. I have tried refreshing the base station with the Airport Admin....
Nothing has worked. Currently I have forced my wife's MacBook onto Telus, which is the only way we can now get onto the internet. I am getting mighty frustrated.

Thanks for any help!

It should be the WAN physical address/IP address that Telus registers.

It sounds like something to do with the Airport-G's config, which you seem to suggest was a previous problem a year or so ago?

I use a Linksys Broadband-router, which was simple to register with Telus (well local Kootenay ISP/reseller - Netidea), so unfortunately I can't advise on settings. :(
Hey! Its all good. Reset all DHCP addresses after I plugged into the WAN port and turned the AirPort and ADSL modem both off for a minute.

When I turned them back on, the Internet Gods blessed me with a return of internet after 2-3 minutes! Telus correctly reported the WAN addresss.

Don't know why it worked this time, but I'm not complaining...

I am Krazy-Gluing the ethernet cable to the Airport this time!!
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