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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 18, 2004
London, UK
I've got my movie workflow down to a tee.

Rip DVD using Handbrake to slightly tweaked Apple TV setting, using MetaX to apply artwork and correct tags.

Drop into iTunes and enjoy...

But TV Shows are a different kettle of fish. I buy some shows from iTunes and these are not a problem but I have a lot of TV that I'd previously downloaded, some of it in HD.

I've used Visualhub to convert but I'm not convinced this is maintaining the quality correctly and is it down-converting the 720p?

Can anyone shed any light on how to convert this stuff so it is Apple TV playable (and looks good) and also how to tag it (currently use Lostify but it's a nightmare), and best source of artwork?
1. Rip DVD using Mac the ripper.
2. Open up the folder in DVD player and look at the episode lists from the menu.
3. Go to and pull up the episode list for which ever season it might be.
4. Open up Handbrake and match up each episode and name them properly when adding to queue (Make a new folder for the show if its not already created, Then name the episode "Episode 1.1.mp4 this would be Season 1 episode 1") This is very helpful later when using metax.
5. After encode is complete on all episodes drag them into metaX leaving all selected.
6. Search for name of show "Seinfeld Season 1" select it and fill out information about season show blah blah blah, all info that will stay the same.
7. Match the information with what is on the IMDB page (episode name, number, short desc, etc, etc...)
8. Import into iTunes.

phew damn.

I must be going crazy cause I do this everyday.
1. Rip DVD using Mac the ripper.
2. Open up the folder in DVD player and look at the episode lists from the menu.
3. Go to and pull up the episode list for which ever season it might be.
4. Open up Handbrake and match up each episode and name them properly when adding to queue (Make a new folder for the show if its not already created, Then name the episode "Episode 1.1.mp4 this would be Season 1 episode 1") This is very helpful later when using metax.
5. After encode is complete on all episodes drag them into metaX leaving all selected.
6. Search for name of show "Seinfeld Season 1" select it and fill out information about season show blah blah blah, all info that will stay the same.
7. Match the information with what is on the IMDB page (episode name, number, short desc, etc, etc...)
8. Import into iTunes.

phew damn.

I must be going crazy cause I do this everyday.

Nice, I suppose this could be moulded to deal with individual downloads.

How about using VisualHub, everyone find the standard settings work ok? Even for 720p?
VisualHub Is Crap For 720p HD I Don't Mind A Little Quality Loss On SD TV Shows But I Need The HD To Stay The Same. If You Go To The MKV To Mp4 Thread Read And See What You Think. I'm Going To test Out mkv2vob (A Program For Windows Only Though:() And See What Happens, I'm Assuming You Have Mkv's As you have Asked About 720p HD Videos.
VisualHub Is Crap For 720p HD I Don't Mind A Little Quality Loss On SD TV Shows But I Need The HD To Stay The Same. If You Go To The MKV To Mp4 Thread Read And See What You Think. I'm Going To test Out mkv2vob (A Program For Windows Only Though:() And See What Happens, I'm Assuming You Have Mkv's As you have Asked About 720p HD Videos.

Thanks, I'll check it out. :)
If You Want To Tag The TV Shows/Movies That Are In MKV's Don't use Passthrough As They Won't Be Tagged I Know It's BS But That's Life:mad:
OK, so here's what I do in my anal TV ripping process.
1) Rip the season discs with Mac the Ripper
2) Convert using Handbrake 0.9.1 (0.9.2 doesn't work as well for me)
3) Make sure to name chapters in Handbrake
4) Go to to get Episode info (Production number, date of airing, synopsis, etc.)
5) Tag the video files with all of that info using Lostify
6) Find the Artwork using this site if it's on iTunes (This still works for TV Shows) or make my own if it's not.
7) Add the Artwork to the files through either iTunes or another program(name escapes me at the moment)
8) Move onto next season...
VisualHub Is Crap For 720p HD I Don't Mind A Little Quality Loss On SD TV Shows But I Need The HD To Stay The Same. If You Go To The MKV To Mp4 Thread Read And See What You Think. I'm Going To test Out mkv2vob (A Program For Windows Only Though:() And See What Happens, I'm Assuming You Have Mkv's As you have Asked About 720p HD Videos.

I'm not usually one to criticize, but man, seeing every word capitalized is weird :D
What A Useless Post And I Wish Everyone Would Stop Posting About It.

simplE solutioN. stoP doinG iT iF yoU knoW iT botherS peoplE anD iS incorrecT iN thE firsT placE. iT iS A consciouS efforT oN youR parT tO dO iT, therE iS nO waY thaT iT iS A habiT.

seE hoW annoyinG iT iS?
I'm not usually one to criticize, but man, seeing every word capitalized is weird :D

My bet is that he tried posting with Caps Lock. The forums automatically changes it from all caps to first letter of every word capitalized to reduce the obnoxious nature of that style.

Anywho, back on topic, I remembered what program I use for TV show art. vID Infiltr8
My bet is that he tried posting with Caps Lock. The forums automatically changes it from all caps to first letter of every word capitalized to reduce the obnoxious nature of that style.

No I Have Not Used Cap's Lock, I Write Like This So I Can reread What I have Written.
OK, so here's what I do in my anal TV ripping process.
1) Rip the season discs with Mac the Ripper
2) Convert using Handbrake 0.9.1 (0.9.2 doesn't work as well for me)
3) Make sure to name chapters in Handbrake
4) Go to to get Episode info (Production number, date of airing, synopsis, etc.)
5) Tag the video files with all of that info using Lostify
6) Find the Artwork using this site if it's on iTunes (This still works for TV Shows) or make my own if it's not.
7) Add the Artwork to the files through either iTunes or another program(name escapes me at the moment)
8) Move onto next season...

How do you know which episode is which? Where does that info show up?
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